springboot jpa sql查询条件空值判断
String、Byte、Date、List 类型空值判断
@Query(value = "select new com.test.Student(s.id,s.name,s.status,s.type,s.gmtCreate) "
+ " from Student s "
+ " where s.isDeleted = 0 "
+ " and (s.name like concat('%',:name,'%') or :name is null) "
+ " and (s.type = :type or :type is null)"
+ " and (s.gmtCreate >= :startTime or :startTime is null) "
+ " and (s.gmtCreate <= :endTime or :endTime is null)"
+ " and (COALESCE(:status,null) is null or (s.status in (:status)) ) "
+ " order by s.gmtCreate desc ")
Page<Student> listUserSellBySearch(@Param("pageable") Pageable pageable, @Param("name") String name,
@Param("type") Byte type,
@Param("startTime") Date startTime,
@Param("endTime") Date endTime,
@Param("status") List<Byte> status);
@Query(value = "select * from student s "
+ " where s.is_deleted = 0 "
+ " and (s.name like concat('%',:name,'%') or :name is null) "
+ " and (s.type = :type or :type is null)"
+ " and (s.gmt_create >= :startTime or :startTime is null) "
+ " and (s.gmt_create <= :endTime or :endTime is null)"
+ " and if(:status is null , s.status in (:status),1=1 ) "
+ " order by s.gmtCreate desc ",nativeQuery = true)
Page<Student> listUserSellBySearch(@Param("pageable") Pageable pageable, @Param("name") String name,
@Param("type") Byte type,
@Param("startTime") Date startTime,
@Param("endTime") Date endTime,
@Param("status") List<Byte> status);