

Shallow Foundation







Slip on a Fault




Creation of a Synthetic Rock Mass (SRM) Specimen




Shallow Foundation


model new
model domain extent (-1,25) (-6,6) (-6,20)
model domain condition destroy
wall generate box (0,24) (-5,5) (0,17)
model random 10001
ball generate box (0,24) (-5,5) (0,10) number 2000 radius 0.40   
contact cmat default type ball-ball model linearpbond ...
        property fric 0.577 kn 1e8 ks 1e8             ...
        pb_kn 1e8 pb_ks 1e8 pb_ten 1e6                ...
        pb_coh 1e6 pb_rmul 0.8 dp_nratio 0.2

contact cmat default type ball-facet model linear     ...
        property fric 0.09 kn 1e8 ks 1e8              ...
        dp_nratio 0.2

ball attribute density 2000 radius multiply 1.4
;通过将原始半径乘以大于 1 的因子(使用 multiply 关键字)来增加球半径。

history interval 5
ball history velocity-z position 12 0 5
model history mechanical unbalanced-maximum


wall delete range set id 2
wall generate group 'footing' box (0,5) (-5,5) (12,20) 
contact method bond gap 0.0
model save 'Assembly'


wall attribute velocity-z -0.25 range group 'footing'
history wall force-contact-z id 7
model mechanical timestep auto
model solve time 10.0
wall attribute velocity-z 0.0
model solve ratio-average 1e-5



model restore 'Assembly'
ball group 'Tunnel' range cylinder end-1 (16.0,-6.0,6.0) ...
     end-2 (16.0,6.0,6.0) radius 3.0
ball delete range group 'Tunnel'
model cycle 1
model solve ratio-average 1e-5
model save 'StableTunnel'


wall attribute velocity-z -0.25 range group 'footing'
model mechanical timestep auto
model solve time 10.0
wall attribute velocity-z 0.0
model solve ratio-average 1e-5


model restore 'StableTunnel'
contact group 'Lining' range cylinder end-1 (16.0,-6.0,6.0) ...
; A new set of properties is defined for the contacts of the group 'Lining'
contact property fric 0.18 kn 1e8 ks 1e8            ...
        range group 'Lining'

; The assembly is loaded again by the footing. Which differences with respect
; to the case of the unlined tunnel?
model solve time 10.0
; Solve to an equilibrium state again
wall attribute velocity-z 0.0
model save 'LinedTunnel'

Slip on a Fault

        以PFC2D模型为例,使用线性平行粘结模型创建了一个粘结颗粒模型,并通过对选定的接触点应用the smooth joint model添加了一个关节(joint)。该模型受到重力荷载的作用,并在不同的关节(joint)摩擦角下考察了关节(joint)的滑动行为。


        PFC 需要输入无量纲摩擦系数μ(摩擦角的切线),而不是以度为单位的摩擦角。

        可以在DFN选项的Color Opt – Colors – facets中显示裂缝。

        摩擦角设置为 35°,由于这比断层的倾角要大,因此预计断层上不会有滑动。

fracture create dip 30 size 20.0
;裂缝的倾角为 30 度,直径为 20 m,以确保它跨越整个模型。
fracture property ...
  'sj_kn' 2e9 'sj_ks' 2e9 'sj_fric' 0.70 'sj_coh' 0.0 'sj_ten' 0.0 'sj_large' 1
;将sj_large参数设置为 1 可确保在预期应变较大时接头接触行为正常,但会增加少量计算量
fracture contact-model model 'smoothjoint' install dist 0.1 activate
fracture contact-model model 'smoothjoint' install dist 0.1 activate


        期望模型稳定,因此可以使用 solve 命令使其达到平衡

; Fix row of balls at the bottom
ball fix vel range position-y -6 -5.5

; Turn on gravity
model gravity 10
model solve ratio-average 1e-5


        将故障摩擦角设置为 25° (sj_fric= 0.466)

         预计模型滑动不稳定,因此不能使用 solve 命令,只能执行 20000 个循环(cycle

fracture property 'sj_fric' 0.466
ball attribute damp 0.1
; Do not use solve command since we expect unstable sliding

model cycle 20000

Creation of a Synthetic Rock Mass (SRM) Specimen




model new
model domain extent -2.0 2.0 condition periodic
contact cmat default model linear property kn 1e5
model random 10001
ball distribute porosity 0.08 radius 1.0 1.6 res 0.025
;resolution 分辨率,可选的分辨率,可以作为生成的每个球的半径的乘法系数。默认情况下,f=1.0。

ball attribute density 2500.0 damp 0.7
model cycle 1000 calm 10
model mechanical timestep scale
model solve
model calm
brick make id 1
brick export id 1 skip-errors

brick skip-errors:跳过错误,如果指定,该操作将覆盖任何具有设定名称的现有文件;否则,将有一个对话框查询用户输入的文件是否存在指定名称的文件。


        砖块在水平方向上复制两次,在垂直方向上复制四次,最终模型大小为 8.0 x 16.0 长度单位。使用接触方法命令粘合所有重叠的球之间的接触,并相应地设置平行键属性。

model new
model domain extent -4.0 4.0 -8.0 8.0
brick import id 1 
brick assemble id 1 origin -4.0 -8.0 size 2 4
contact cmat default model linearpbond method deformability emod 60e9 ...
                           kratio 2.5 property fric 0.5 lin_mode 1 
contact cmat apply
ball attribute force-contact multiply 0.0 moment-contact multiply 0.0
contact method bond gap 0.0 pb_deformability emod 60e9 kratio 2.5
contact property pb_ten 1e8 pb_coh 5e7 pb_fa 20.0
model save 'intact'


model restore 'intact'
model random 10001
fracture template create 'test' size power-law 3 size-limits 1 100
;用断裂模板来设置fracture,裂缝服从幂律尺寸分布,指数为 -3,长度限制为 1 到 100 个单位。
fracture generate dfn 'fractures' template 'test' ...
         generation-box -4 4 -8 8 p10 1.5 begin (0,-8) end (0,8)
;沿垂直线生成一个 DFN,其停止标准基于断裂频率或 P10。
fracture combine angle 30.0 distance 1.0 merge
fracture combine angle 40.0 distance 1.0 merge
;使用断裂组合命令更改此 DFN,以合并具有相似方向且在空间上彼此接近的裂缝。
fracture contact-model model 'smoothjoint' install 
;使用裂缝接触模型模型命令在与裂缝相交的接触中安装平滑接头 接触模型。
model save 'fractured'