
本文用的是SolidWokrs2019 和 VS2019



 3)创建自己的功能类 并编写代码



using SolidWorks.Interop.sldworks;  //接口对象
using SolidWorks.Interop.swconst;   //枚举对象



CommandInProgress:通知 SOLIDWORKS 进程外应用程序将进行一系列 API 调用来提高进程外应用程序的性能。


using SolidWorks.Interop.sldworks;  //接口对象
using SolidWorks.Interop.swconst;   //枚举对象
using System;
//using SldExFunc.Model;         //添加

namespace SldExFunc.Model
    public static class Sld4File
        // 判断进程是够存在,0无,1有
        private static bool GetProc(string processName)
            System.Diagnostics.Process myProcess = new System.Diagnostics.Process();//得到所有打开的进程
                foreach (System.Diagnostics.Process thisProcess in System.Diagnostics.Process.GetProcessesByName(processName))
                    return true;
            catch (Exception e)
            return false;

        public static bool Conn2ProcById(Sld4Handler sld4Handler, string procId, bool isSendMsg = true)
            if (GetProc("SLDWORKS"))
                Type swType = Type.GetTypeFromProgID(procId);   //通过指定程序标识,获得与其关联的类型
                sld4Handler.SwApp = (SldWorks)Activator.CreateInstance(swType);    //获取应用对象
                sld4Handler.ModelDoc = (ModelDoc2)sld4Handler.SwApp.ActiveDoc;   //获取当前激活文档

                if (sld4Handler.SwApp != null )
                    sld4Handler.SwApp.CommandInProgress = true;//
                    sld4Handler.SwApp.EnableBackgroundProcessing = true;//

                    if (isSendMsg == true)
                return true;
                if (isSendMsg == true) System.Windows.MessageBox.Show("当前无启动的Solidworks应用");
                return false;

        public static System.Collections.Generic.List<string> GetModleName(Sld4Handler sld4Handler, bool isPath=true)
            System.Collections.Generic.List<string> list = new System.Collections.Generic.List<string>();
            EnumDocuments2 enumDocuments2 = sld4Handler.SwApp.EnumDocuments2();
            ModelDoc2 modelDoc2 = null;
            int nFetched = -1;
                enumDocuments2.Next(1, out modelDoc2, ref nFetched);
                if (modelDoc2 != null) 
                    string str0= modelDoc2.GetPathName();
                    if (isPath == true &&str0.Contains(@"\"))//名称存在路径的时候,截取获得最终所需的模型名
                        str0 = str0.Substring(str0.LastIndexOf(@"\") + 1, str0.Length - str0.LastIndexOf(@"\") - 1-(str0.Length - str0.LastIndexOf(".")));
                    list.Add( str0);
            } while (modelDoc2 != null);
            return list;

       //②fileName :Document name or full path if not in current directory, including extension
       /*swDocASSEMBLY             2                   装配体
       //swDocDRAWING              3                   工程图
       //swDocIMPORTED_ASSEMBLY    7; Multi - CAD
       //swDocIMPORTED_PART        6; Multi - CAD
       //swDocLAYOUT               5                   
       //swDocNONE                 0                   
       //swDocPART                 1                   零件
       //swDocSDM                  4           */
       /*swOpenDocOptions_AutoMissingConfig                        32 or 0x20 = Obsolete; do not use(丢失配置或参考,自动使用上次配置)
       //                                                          The software automatically uses the last - used configuration of a model when it discovers missing configurations or component references as it silently opens drawings and assemblies.
       //swOpenDocOptions_DontLoadHiddenComponents                 256 or 0x100 = By default(打开时不加载隐藏项目)
       //                                                          hidden components are loaded when you open an assembly document. Set swOpenDocOptions_DontLoadHiddenComponents to not load hidden components when opening an assembly document
       //swOpenDocOptions_LoadExternalReferencesInMemory           512 or 0x200 = Open external references in memory only;(尽在内存中加载外部引用)
       //                                                          this setting is valid only if swUserPreferenceIntegerValue_e.swLoadExternalReferences is not set to swLoadExternalReferences_e.swLoadExternalReferences_None swUserPreferenceToggle_e.swExtRefLoadRefDocsInMemory  (System Options > External References > Load documents in memory only) is ignored when opening documents through the API because IDocumentSpecification::LoadExternalReferencesInMemory and ISldWorks::OpenDoc6(swOpenDocOptions_e.swOpenDocOptions_LoadExternalReferencesInMemory) have sole control over reference loading
       //swOpenDocOptions_LoadLightweight                          128 or 0x80 = Open assembly document as lightweight(轻量化打开)
       //                                                          NOTE: The default for whether an assembly document is opened lightweight is based on a registry setting accessed via Tools, Options, Assemblies or with the user preference setting swAutoLoadPartsLightweight To override the default and specify a value with ISldWorks::OpenDoc6, set swOpenDocOptions_OverrideDefaultLoadLightweight. If set, then you can set swOpenDocOptions_LoadLightweight to open an assembly document as lightweight
       //swOpenDocOptions_LoadModel                                16 or 0x10 = Load Detached model upon opening document (drawings only)(打开文档时加载分离模型)
       //swOpenDocOptions_OverrideDefaultLoadLightweight           64 or 0x40 = Override default setting whether to open an assembly document as lightweight(覆盖默认设置以轻量化方式打开装配体)
       //swOpenDocOptions_RapidDraft                               8 or 0x8 = Convert document to Detached format (drawings only)转化成分离格式
       //swOpenDocOptions_ReadOnly                                 2 or 0x2 = Open document read only 只读
       //swOpenDocOptions_Silent 1                                 or 0x1 = Open document silently 静默
       //swOpenDocOptions_ViewOnly                                 4 or 0x4 = Open document in Large Design Review mode only (assemblies only) 大型审阅 */
       public static ModelDoc2 OpenFile(Sld4Handler sld4Handler, string fileName, swDocumentTypes_e fileType, swOpenDocOptions_e mode, ref int error, ref int wraning, string cfg = "")
            if (sld4Handler.SwApp == null) return null;
            return sld4Handler.SwApp.OpenDoc6(fileName, (int)fileType, (int)mode, cfg, ref error, ref wraning);

        public static PartDoc OpenPart(Sld4Handler sld4Handler, string fileName, ref int error, ref int wraning, string cfg = "", swOpenDocOptions_e mode = swOpenDocOptions_e.swOpenDocOptions_LoadModel)
            object obj = OpenFile(sld4Handler, fileName, swDocumentTypes_e.swDocPART, mode, ref error, ref wraning, cfg);
            if (obj is PartDoc) return obj as PartDoc;
            return null;

        public static AssemblyDoc OpenAss(Sld4Handler sld4Handler, string fileName, ref int error, ref int wraning, string cfg = "", swOpenDocOptions_e mode = swOpenDocOptions_e.swOpenDocOptions_AutoMissingConfig)
            object obj = OpenFile(sld4Handler, fileName, swDocumentTypes_e.swDocASSEMBLY, mode, ref error, ref wraning, cfg);
            if (obj is AssemblyDoc) return obj as AssemblyDoc;
            return null;

        public static DrawingDoc OpenDraw(Sld4Handler sld4Handler, string fileName, ref int error, ref int wraning, string cfg = "", swOpenDocOptions_e mode = swOpenDocOptions_e.swOpenDocOptions_LoadModel)
            object obj = OpenFile(sld4Handler, fileName, swDocumentTypes_e.swDocDRAWING, mode, ref error, ref wraning, cfg);
            if (obj is DrawingDoc) return obj as DrawingDoc;
            return null;

        public static bool Connect2Sld(Sld4Handler sld4Handler, bool isSendMsg = true)
            return (Conn2ProcById(sld4Handler, "SldWorks.Application", isSendMsg));


#region 第五章 应用程序对象
//  dynamic ActivateDoc3(string Name, bool UseUserPreferences, int Option, ref int Errors);  //激活目前打开的文档之一,并显示在用户面前
//  void CloseDoc(string Name); //关闭指定文档
//  void ExitApp(); //退出SW应用
//  dynamic GetDocuments(); //得到所有当前SW进程中打开的文档对象
//  dynamic NewDocument(string TemplateName, int PaperSize, double Width, double Height);   //新建文档
//  ModelDoc2 OpenDoc6(string FileName, int Type, int Options, string Configuration, ref int Errors, ref int Warnings); //打开指定文档
//  int CopyDocument(string SourceDoc, string DestDoc, object FromChildren, object ToChildren, int Option); //带参考复制文档
//  void SetUserPreferenceToggle(int UserPreferenceValue, bool OnFlag);     //选项中的系统设置内容
//  bool SetUserPreferenceStringValue(int UserPreference, string Value);    //选项中的系统设置内容
//  bool SetUserPreferenceDoubleValue(int UserPreferenceValue, double Value);   //选项中的系统设置内容
//  bool SetUserPreferenceIntegerValue(int UserPreferenceValue, int Value); //选项中的系统设置内容





using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using SolidWorks.Interop.sldworks;  //接口对象
using SolidWorks.Interop.swconst;   //枚举对象

namespace SldExFunc.Model
    public class Sld4Handler
        private SldWorks swApp;//应用实例
        private ModelDoc2 modelDoc;//定义了一个文档
        private PartDoc partDoc;   //零件文档
        private AssemblyDoc assemblyDoc;   //装配体文档
        private DrawingDoc drawingDoc; //工程图文档
        private ModelDocExtension modelDocExtension; //通用文档扩展
        private CustomPropertyManager cusPropMgr;   //自定义属性管理器对象
        private SelectionMgr selectionMgr;//选择管理器
        private Feature feature;//特征
        private SolidWorks.Interop.sldworks.Attribute attribute;//属性
        private Face2 face;//面
        private Parameter parameter;//参数
        public  ModelDoc2 ModelDoc { get => modelDoc; set => modelDoc = value; }
        public PartDoc PartDoc { get => partDoc; set => partDoc = value; }
        public AssemblyDoc AssemblyDoc { get => assemblyDoc; set => assemblyDoc = value; }
        public DrawingDoc DrawingDoc { get => drawingDoc; set => drawingDoc = value; }
        public ModelDocExtension ModelDocExtension { get => modelDocExtension; set => modelDocExtension = value; }
        public CustomPropertyManager CusPropMgr { get => cusPropMgr; set => cusPropMgr = value; }
        public SldWorks SwApp { get => swApp; set => swApp = value; }
        public SelectionMgr SelectionMgr { get => selectionMgr; set => selectionMgr = value; }
        public Feature Feature { get => feature; set => feature = value; }
        public SolidWorks.Interop.sldworks.Attribute Attribute { get => attribute; set => attribute = value; }
        public Parameter Parameter { get => parameter; set => parameter = value; }


        private void SW_Conect(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            if (Sld4File.Connect2Sld(sld4Handler,true))
                sld4Handler.SwApp.CommandInProgress = true;



窗口添加Sld4Handler 对象

  public partial class MainWindow : Window
        Sld4Handler sld4Handler = new Sld4Handler();
        public MainWindow()




