[2201] VRT: A Video Restoration Transformer



video restoration methods

  • sliding window-based method
    input multiple LQ frames to generate a single HQ frame
    each input frame processed for multiple times in inference
       ⟹    \implies inefficient feature utilization and increased computation cost
  • recurrent method
    use previously reconstructed HQ frames for subsequent frame reconstruction
    3 drawbacks due to recurrent nature
    • limited in parallelization
    • poor at long-range temporal dependency modelling
         ⟸    \impliedby one frame strongly affect the next frame, but its influence quickly lost after few time steps
    • significant performance drop on few-frame videos
  • parallel method
    divide video sequence into non-overlapping clips and shift it alternately to enable inter-clip interactions

Illustrative comparison of sliding window-based models, recurrent models and the proposed parallel VRT model. Green and blue circles denote low-quality (LQ) input frames and high-quality (HQ) output frames, respectively. t − 1 t-1 t1, t t t and t + 1 t+1 t+1 are frame serial numbers. Dashed lines represent information fusion among different frames.


  • propose Video Restoration Transformer (VRT)
    • parallel computation, long-range dependency modelling
    • jointly extract, align, fuse frame features at multiple scales
  • propose multi-head mutual attention (MMA)
    • mutual alignment between frames
  • SOTA on video restoration
    • video SR, video deblurring, video denoising


model architecture

The framework of the proposed Video Restoration Transformer (VRT). Given T low-quality input frames, VRT reconstructs T high-quality frames in parallel. It jointly extracts features, deals with misalignment, and fuses temporal information at multiple scales. On each scale, it has two kinds of modules: temporal mutual self attention (TMSA) and parallel warping. The down-sampling and up-sampling operations between different scales are omitted for clarity.

given a sequence of low-quality input frames I L Q ∈ R T × H × W × C i n I^{LQ}\in\mathbb{R}^{T\times H\times W\times C_{in}} ILQRT×H×W×Cin, a sequence of high-quality target frames I H Q ∈ R T × s H × s W × C o u t I^{HQ}\in\mathbb{R}^{T\times sH\times sW\times C_{out}} IHQRT×sH×sW×Cout
where, s s s is upscaling factor: s > 1 s>1 s>1 for sr, s = 1 s=1 s=1 for db and dn
aim to restore T T T HQ frames from T T T LQ frames in parallel for various video restoration tasks

feature extraction
extract shallow features I S F ∈ R T × H × W × C I^{SF}\in\mathbb{R}^{T\times H\times W\times C} ISFRT×H×W×C from I L Q I^{LQ} ILQ by a conv
propose a multi-scale network that aligns frames at different resolutions based on U-Net
capture features and motions at different scales by TMSA and PW, where skip connections added for features of same scales
add TMSA for further feature refinement to obtain deep features I D F ∈ R T × H × W × C I^{DF}\in\mathbb{R}^{T\times H\times W\times C} IDFRT×H×W×C

restore HQ frames I R H Q ∈ R T × s H × s W × C I^{RHQ}\in{\Reals}^{T\times sH\times sW\times C} IRHQRT×sH×sW×C from addition of shallow feature I S F I^{SF} ISF and deep feature I D F I^{DF} IDF

  • sr: sub-pixel conv with upscale factor s s s
  • db, dn: single conv

loss function Charbonnier loss
between reconstructed HQ sequence I R H Q I^{RHQ} IRHQ and ground-truth HQ sequence I H Q I^{HQ} IHQ
L = ∥ I R H Q − I H Q ∥ 2 + ϵ 2 \mathcal{L}=\sqrt{\Vert I^{RHQ}-I^{HQ}\Vert^2+{\epsilon}^2} L=IRHQIHQ2+ϵ2

where, ϵ \epsilon ϵ is a constant, empirically set as 1e-3

temporal mutual self attention (TMSA)

Illustrations for mutual attention and temporal mutual self attention (TMSA). In (a), we let the orange square (the i i i-th element of the reference frame) query elements in the supporting frame and use their weighted features as a new representation for the orange square. The weights are shown around solid arrows (we only show three examples for clarity). When A i , k → 1 A_{i, k}\rightarrow1 Ai,k1 and the rest A i , j → 0 ( j ≠ k ) A_{i, j}\rightarrow0 (j\neq k) Ai,j0(j=k), the mutual attention equals to warping the yellow square to the position of the orange square (illustrated as a dashed arrow). (b) shows a stack of temporal mutual self attention (TMSA) layers. The sequence is partitioned into 2-frame clips at each layer and shifted for every other layer to enable cross-clip interactions. Dashed lines represent information fusion among different frames.

mutual attention

given reference frame features X R ∈ R N × C X^R\in{\Reals}^{N\times C} XRRN×C, neighboring frame features X S ∈ R N × C X^S\in{\Reals}^{N\times C} XSRN×C
compute query, key, value by linear projection
Q R = X R P Q K S = X S P K V S = X S P V \begin{aligned} Q^R&=X^RP^Q \\ K^S&=X^SP^K \\ V^S&=X^SP^V \end{aligned} QRKSVS=XRPQ=XSPK=XSPV

where, P Q , P K , P V ∈ R C × D P^Q, P^K, P^V\in{\Reals}^{C\times D} PQ,PK,PVRC×D are projection matrices, N N N is feature elements number, D D D is channels number of projected features
use Q R Q^R QR to query K S K^S KS to generate attention features for weighed sum of V S V^S VS
M A ( Q R , K S , V S ) = s o f t m a x ( Q R ( K S ) T D ) V S MA(Q^R, K^S, V^S)=softmax(\frac{Q^R(K^S)^T}{\sqrt{D}})V^S MA(QR,KS,VS)=softmax(D QR(KS)T)VS

rewrite equation for i i i-th element in reference frame
Y i , : R = ∑ j = 1 N A i , j V j , : S Y_{i, :}^R=\sum_{j=1}^NA{i, j}V_{j, :}^S Yi,:R=j=1NAi,jVj,:S

where, Y i , : R Y_{i, :}^R Yi,:R is the new features of i i i-th element in reference frame, A ∈ R N × N A\in{\Reals}^{N\times N} ARN×N is attention features reflecting correlations between reference and neighboring frame

K k , : S K_{k, :}^S Kk,:S (yellow box in fig.a) is the most similar element to Q i , : R Q_{i, :}^R Qi,:R (orange box in fig.a), and K j , : S ( j ≠ k ) K_{j, :}^S (j\neq k) Kj,:S(j=k) are dissimilar to Q i R Q_i^R QiR
A i , k > A i , j , ∀ j ≠ k , j ≤ N A_{i, k}>A_{i, j}, \forall j\neq k, j\leq N Ai,k>Ai,j,j=k,jN

{ A i , k → 1 ,  A i , j → 0 ,  ∀ j ≠ k , j ≤ N \begin{cases} A_{i, k}\rightarrow1 &\text{, } \\ A_{i, j}\rightarrow0 &\text{, } \forall j\neq k, j\leq N\\ \end{cases} {Ai,k1Ai,j0j=k,jN

combining above equations, have
Y i , : R = V k , : S Y_{i, :}^R=V_{k, :}^S Yi,:R=Vk,:S

   ⟹    \implies move k k k-th element in neighboring frame to the position of i i i-th element in reference frame (red arrow in fig.a)
   ⟹    \implies image warping given an optical flow vector

in practice, reference frame and neighboring frame can be exchanged, allowing mutual alignment between those 2 frames
similar to MSA, perform attention for h h h times and concatenate results as multi-head mutual attention (MMA)

benefits of mutual attention

  • preserve information from neighboring frames adaptively
    avoid “black hole” artifacts
  • no inductive biases of locality
    inherent to most CNN-based motion estimation
    performance drop when 2 neighboring objects move towards different directions
  • conduct motion estimation and warp on features in a joint way
    optical flows only estimated on RGB image and not robust
temporal mutual self attention

combine mutual attention with self-attention
given X ∈ R 2 × N × C X\in{\Reals}^{2\times N\times C} XR2×N×Crepresent 2 frames
split X X X into 2 part of features
X 1 , X 2 = s p l i t 0 ( L N ( X ) ) ∈ R 1 × N × C X_1, X_2=split_0(LN(X))\in{\Reals}^{1\times N\times C} X1,X2=split0(LN(X))R1×N×C

where, s p l i t ( ⋅ ) split(\cdot) split() is an operator on 0-dimension
apply MMA on X 1 , X 2 X_1, X_2 X1,X2 for 2 times: warp X 1 X_1 X1 towards X 2 X_2 X2, warp X 2 X_2 X2 towards X 1 X_1 X1
Y 1 = M M A ( X 1 , X 2 ) Y 2 = M M A ( X 2 , X 1 ) \begin{aligned} Y_1&=MMA(X_1, X_2) \\ Y_2&=MMA(X_2, X_1) \end{aligned} Y1Y2=MMA(X1,X2)=MMA(X2,X1)

combine warped features and concatenate with MSA result
Y = c o n c a t 0 ( c o n c a t 2 ( Y 1 , Y 2 ) , M S A ( X ) ) Y=concat_0(concat_2(Y_1, Y_2), MSA(X)) Y=concat0(concat2(Y1,Y2),MSA(X))

where, c o n c a t 0 ( ⋅ ) , c o n c a t 2 ( ⋅ ) concat_0(\cdot), concat_2(\cdot) concat0(),concat2() are operators on 0- and 2-dimension
feed Y Y Y into 2 consecutive MLP with skip connection
X = M L P ( Y ) + X X = M L P ( L N ( X ) ) + X \begin{aligned} X&=MLP(Y)+X \\ X&=MLP(LN(X))+X \end{aligned} XX=MLP(Y)+X=MLP(LN(X))+X

only 2 frames dealt at a time    ⟸    \impliedby design of mutual attention
extend for T T T frames: deal with frame-to-frame pairs exhaustively
   ⟹    \implies complexity O ( T 2 ) \mathcal{O}(T^2) O(T2)

solution inspired by shifted-window mechanism in Swin
step 1 partitions video sequence into non-overlapping 2-frame clips, and apply MMA-MSA to each clip in parallel
step 2 shift sequence temporally by 1 frame for every other layer (in fig.b) to enable cross-clip connections
   ⟹    \implies complexity O ( T ) \mathcal{O}(T) O(T)

temporal receptive field size increase when multiple TMSA modules stacked together
at layer ℓ ( ℓ ≥ 2 ) \ell(\ell\geq2) (2), one frame utilize information from up to 2 ( ℓ − 1 ) 2(\ell-1) 2(1) frames

parallel warping (PW)

spatial window partition    ⟹    \implies mutual attention unable to deal with large motions well
solution use feature warping at the end of each stage

Illustration of parallel warping. For every frame feature X t ( t ≤ T ) X_t(t\leq T) Xt(tT), frame X t − 1 X_{t-1} Xt1 and X t + 1 X_{t+1} Xt+1 are warped towards X t X_t Xt as X ^ t − 1 \hat{X}_{t-1} X^t1 and X ^ t + 1 \hat{X}_{t+1} X^t+1, respectively. Then, X t X_t Xt, X ^ t − 1 \hat{X}_{t-1} X^t1 and X ^ t + 1 \hat{X}_{t+1} X^t+1 are concatenated together (denoted by blue boxes) for feature fusion and dimension reduction with a multi-layer perception (MLP). The final output is X ˉ t \bar{X}_t Xˉt. The dashed arrows and circles denote warping operations and warped features, respectively.

given frame X t X_t Xt and neighboring frames X t − 1 , X t + 1 X_{t-1}, X_{t+1} Xt1,Xt+1
step 1 calculate optical flows O t − 1 , t , O t + 1 , t O_{t-1, t}, O_{t+1, t} Ot1,t,Ot+1,t from X t X_t Xt and X t − 1 , X t + 1 X_{t-1}, X_{t+1} Xt1,Xt+1
step 2 use O t − 1 , t , O t + 1 , t O_{t-1, t}, O_{t+1, t} Ot1,t,Ot+1,t to warp X t X_t Xt to obtain initial warped features X t − 1 ′ , X t + 1 ′ X_{t-1}', X_{t+1}' Xt1,Xt+1
X t − 1 ′ = w a r p ( X t − 1 , O t − 1 , t ) X t + 1 ′ = w a r p ( X t + 1 , O t + 1 , t ) \begin{aligned} X_{t-1}'&=warp(X_{t-1}, O_{t-1, t}) \\ X_{t+1}'&=warp(X_{t+1}, O_{t+1, t}) \end{aligned} Xt1Xt+1=warp(Xt1,Ot1,t)=warp(Xt+1,Ot+1,t)

step 3 predict offset residuals o t − 1 , t , o t + 1 , t o_{t-1, t}, o_{t+1, t} ot1,t,ot+1,t and modulation masks m t − 1 , t , m t + 1 , t m_{t-1, t}, m_{t+1, t} mt1,t,mt+1,t
o t − 1 , t , o t + 1 , t , m t − 1 , t , m t + 1 , t = C ( [ O t − 1 , t , O t + 1 , t , X t − 1 ′ , X t + 1 ′ ] ) o_{t-1, t}, o_{t+1, t}, m_{t-1, t}, m_{t+1, t}=\mathcal{C}([O_{t-1, t}, O_{t+1, t}, X_{t-1}', X_{t+1}']) ot1,t,ot+1,t,mt1,t,mt+1,t=C([Ot1,t,Ot+1,t,Xt1,Xt+1])

where, C ( ⋅ ) \mathcal{C}(\cdot) C() is a convolution layer, [ ⋅ ] [\cdot] [] is a concatenation operator
step 4 warp X t − 1 , X t + 1 X_{t-1}, X_{t+1} Xt1,Xt+1 with results above
X ^ t − 1 = D ( X t − 1 , O t − 1 , t + o t − 1 , t , m t − 1 , t ) X ^ t + 1 = D ( X t + 1 , O t + 1 , t + o t + 1 , t , m t + 1 , t ) \begin{aligned} \hat{X}_{t-1}&=\mathcal{D}(X_{t-1}, O_{t-1, t}+o_{t-1, t}, m_{t-1, t}) \\ \hat{X}_{t+1}&=\mathcal{D}(X_{t+1}, O_{t+1, t}+o_{t+1, t}, m_{t+1, t}) \end{aligned} X^t1X^t+1=D(Xt1,Ot1,t+ot1,t,mt1,t)=D(Xt+1,Ot+1,t+ot+1,t,mt+1,t)

where, D ( ⋅ ) \mathcal{D}(\cdot) D() is a deformable convolution layer
step 5 concatenate X t , X ^ t − 1 , X ^ t + 1 X_t, \hat{X}_{t-1}, \hat{X}_{t+1} Xt,X^t1,X^t+1 and feed into an MLP layer for X ˉ t \bar{X}_t Xˉt with reduced dimension



resolutiontraining settesting setusage
REDS 1280 × 720 1280\times720 1280×720266 clipsREDS4
4 clips
video super resolution (BI)
video deblurring
Vimeo-90K 448 × 256 448\times256 448×25664,612 clipsVimeo-90K-T
7,824 clips
video super resolution (BI, BD)
Vid4 720 × 480 720\times480 720×4804 clips
each 34 frames
video super resolution
UDM10 1272 × 720 1272\times720 1272×7204 clips
each 32 frames
video super resolution
DVD 1280 × 720 1280\times720 1280×72061 clips
5,708 frames totally
10 clips
1,000 frames totally
video deblurring
GoPro 1280 × 720 1280\times720 1280×72022 clips
2,103 frames totally
11 clips
1,111 frames totally
video deblurring
DAVIS 854 × 480 854\times480 854×48090 clips30 clipsvideo denoising
Set8 960 × 540 960\times540 960×5408 clips
each 85 frames
video denoising
experiment detail
  • data augmentation random flipping, random rotation, random cropping
  • input
    • sr on REDS: 64 × 64 64\times64 64×64-size, 6 or 16 frames
    • sr on Vimeo-90K: 64 × 64 64\times64 64×64-size, 7 frames
    • db, dn: 192 × 192 192\times192 192×192-size, 6 frames
  • degradation
    • sr: bicubic down-sampling (BI), blur down-sampling (BD)
    • db: motion blur
    • dn: Gaussian noise σ ∈ [ 0 , 50 ] \sigma\in[0, 50] σ[0,50]
  • optimizer Adam: β 1 = 0.9 , β 2 = 0.99 \beta_1=0.9, \beta_2=0.99 β1=0.9,β2=0.99, batch size=8, 300K iterations
  • learning rate initial 4e-4, cosine decay
video super resolution

Quantitative comparison (average PSNR/SSIM) with state-of-the-art methods for video super-resolution ( × 4 \times4 ×4) on REDS4, Vimeo-90K-T, Vid4 and UDM10. Best and second best results are in red and blue colors, respectively. “ † \dag ” We currently do not have enough GPU memory to train the fully parallel model VRT on 30 frames.

Visual comparison of video super-resolution ( × 4 \times4 ×4) methods.

video deblurring

Quantitative comparison (average RGB channel PSNR/SSIM) with state-of-the-art methods for video deblurring on DVD. Best and second best results are in red and blue colors, respectively.

Quantitative comparison (average RGB channel PSNR/SSIM) with state-of-the-art methods for video deblurring on GoPro. Best and second best results are in red and blue colors, respectively.

Quantitative comparison (average RGB channel PSNR/SSIM) with state-of-the-art methods for video deblurring on REDS. Best and second best results are in red and blue colors, respectively.

Visual comparison of video deblurring methods.

video denoising

Quantitative comparison (average RGB channel PSNR) with state-of-the-art methods for video denoising on DAVIS and Set8. σ \sigma σ is the additive white Gaussian noise level. Best and second best results are in red and blue colors, respectively.

ablation study

baseline a small version of VRT: layers and channels number halved

multi-scale architecture & parallel warping

Ablation study on multi-scale architecture and parallel warping. Given an input of spatial size 64 × 64 64\times64 64×64, the corresponding feature sizes of each scale are shown in brackets. When some scales are removed, we add more layers to the rest scales to keep similar model size.

key findings

  • when number of model scales reduced, performance drop gradually
       ⟸    \impliedby multi-scale processing help to utilize information from a larger area and deal with large motions between frames
  • parallel warping bring an improvement of 0.17dB
temporal mutual self attention

Ablation study on temporal mutual self attention.

key findings

  • when replace MA with SA or only use SA, performance drop by 0.11 to 0.17dB, for
    • SA focus more on reference frame rather than on neighboring frame during computation of attention
    • MA attend to neighboring frame and benefit from feature fusion
  • only using MA is not enough
       ⟸    \impliedby MA cannot preserve information of reference frames
attention window size

Ablation study on attention window size (frame × \times ×height × \times ×width).

study window size on temporal dimension in the last several TMSA layers of each scale

  • when window size increase from 1 to 2, performance improve slightly
       ⟸    \impliedby previous TMSA layers already utilize neighboring 2-frame information well
  • when window size increase to 8, see an obvious improvement of 0.18dB
       ⟹    \implies use window size of 8 × 8 × 8 8\times8\times8 8×8×8 for those layers