
Velero 的简单介绍
Velero 是一个 vmware 开源的工具,用于 k8s 安全备份和恢复、执行灾难恢复以及迁移 Kubernetes 集群资源和持久卷。


Velero 可以做的:

Velero 包括两部分:

在集群上运行的服务器(Velero 服务器)
在本地运行的命令行客户端(velero cli)
什么时候使用 Velero 代替 etcd 的内置备份/恢复是合适的?
关于 Velero 和 etcd 的快照备份如何选择?

etcd 快照备份适用于比较严重的集群灾难。比如所有 etcd 集群所有节点宕机,快照文件丢失损坏的情况。k8s 集群挂掉的情况, etcd 备份恢复 是一种快速且成功率高的恢复方式,Velero 的恢复需要依赖其他组件,并且需要保证集群是存活的。
Velero 适用于集群迁移,k8s 子集备份恢复,比如基于命名空间备份。某个命名空间误删,且 YAML 文件没有备份,那么可以 Velero 快速恢复。涉及多API资源对象 的系统升级,可以做升级前备份,升级失败通过 Velero 快速恢复。
Velero github 上面的解答:
Etcd 的备份/恢复工具非常适合从单个 etcd 集群中的数据丢失中恢复。例如,在升级 etcd istelf 之前备份 etcd 是个好主意。对于更复杂的 Kubernetes 集群备份和恢复管理,我们认为 Velero 通常是更好的方法。它使您能够扔掉不稳定的集群,并将您的 Kubernetes 资源和数据恢复到新的集群中,而仅通过备份和恢复 etcd 无法轻松做到这一点。

Velero 有用的案例示例:

您无权访问 etcd(例如,您在 GKE 上运行)
备份 Kubernetes 资源和持久卷状态
备份 Kubernetes 资源的子集
备份存储在多个 etcd 集群中的 Kubernetes 资源(例如,如果您运行自定义 apiserver)
这部分建议小伙伴官网了解 这里简单介绍

每个 Velero 操作——按需备份、计划备份、恢复——都是自定义资源,使用 Kubernetes 自定义资源定义 (CRD) 定义并存储在 etcd 中。Velero 还包括处理自定义资源以执行备份、恢复和所有相关操作的控制器。

当你运行时 velero backup create test-backup
Velero 客户端调用 Kubernetes API 服务器来创建一个 Backup 对象。
BackupController 通知新对象Backup并执行验证。
BackupController 开始备份过程。它通过查询 API 服务器的资源来收集要备份的数据。
调用对象存储服务(BackupController 例如 AWS S3)以上传备份文件。
默认情况下,velero backup create 为任何持久卷制作磁盘快照。您可以通过指定额外的标志来调整快照。运行 velero backup create --help 以查看可用标志。可以使用选项禁用快照 --snapshot-volumes=false。


当你运行时 velero restore create:
Velero 客户端调用 Kubernetes API 服务器来创建一个 Restore 对象。
RestoreController 通知新的 Restore 对象并执行验证。
从对象存储服务中 RestoreController 获取备份信息。然后它对备份的资源进行一些预处理,以确保这些资源可以在新集群上运行。例如,使用 备份的 API 版本来验证还原资源是否可以在目标集群上运行。
RestoreController 启动还原过程,一次还原每个符合条件的资源。
默认情况下,Velero 执行非破坏性恢复,这意味着它不会删除目标集群上的任何数据。如果备份中的资源已存在于目标集群中,Velero 将跳过该资源。您可以将 Velero 配置为使用更新策略,而不是使用
–existing-resource-policy 恢复标志。当此标志设置为 时 update,Velero 将尝试更新目标集群中的现有资源以匹配备份中的资源。




└─$kubectl version --output=json
“clientVersion”: {
“major”: “1”,
“minor”: “25”,
“gitVersion”: “v1.25.1”,
“gitCommit”: “e4d4e1ab7cf1bf15273ef97303551b279f0920a9”,
“gitTreeState”: “clean”,
“buildDate”: “2022-09-14T19:49:27Z”,
“goVersion”: “go1.19.1”,
“compiler”: “gc”,
“platform”: “linux/amd64”
“kustomizeVersion”: “v4.5.7”,
“serverVersion”: {
“major”: “1”,
“minor”: “25”,
“gitVersion”: “v1.25.1”,
“gitCommit”: “e4d4e1ab7cf1bf15273ef97303551b279f0920a9”,
“gitTreeState”: “clean”,
“buildDate”: “2022-09-14T19:42:30Z”,
“goVersion”: “go1.19.1”,
“compiler”: “gc”,
“platform”: “linux/amd64”




└─ w g e t − − n o − c h e c k − c e r t i f i c a t e h t t p s : / / g i t h u b . c o m / v m w a r e − t a n z u / v e l e r o / r e l e a s e s / d o w n l o a d / v 1.10.1 − r c . 1 / v e l e r o − v 1.10.1 − r c . 1 − l i n u x − a m d 64. t a r . g z ┌ ── [ r o o t @ v m s 100. l i r u i l o n g s . g i t h u b . i o ] − [   / a n s i b l e / v e l e r o ] └ ─ wget --no-check-certificate https://github.com/vmware-tanzu/velero/releases/download/v1.10.1-rc.1/velero-v1.10.1-rc.1-linux-amd64.tar.gz ┌──[root@vms100.liruilongs.github.io]-[~/ansible/velero] └─ wgetnocheckcertificatehttps://github.com/vmwaretanzu/velero/releases/download/v1.10.1rc.1/velerov1.10.1rc.1linuxamd64.tar.gz──[root@vms100.liruilongs.github.io][ /ansible/velero]ls
└─ t a r − z x v f v e l e r o − v 1.10.1 − r c . 1 − l i n u x − a m d 64. t a r . g z v e l e r o − v 1.10.1 − r c . 1 − l i n u x − a m d 64 / L I C E N S E v e l e r o − v 1.10.1 − r c . 1 − l i n u x − a m d 64 / e x a m p l e s / . D S S t o r e v e l e r o − v 1.10.1 − r c . 1 − l i n u x − a m d 64 / e x a m p l e s / R E A D M E . m d v e l e r o − v 1.10.1 − r c . 1 − l i n u x − a m d 64 / e x a m p l e s / m i n i o v e l e r o − v 1.10.1 − r c . 1 − l i n u x − a m d 64 / e x a m p l e s / m i n i o / 00 − m i n i o − d e p l o y m e n t . y a m l v e l e r o − v 1.10.1 − r c . 1 − l i n u x − a m d 64 / e x a m p l e s / n g i n x − a p p v e l e r o − v 1.10.1 − r c . 1 − l i n u x − a m d 64 / e x a m p l e s / n g i n x − a p p / R E A D M E . m d v e l e r o − v 1.10.1 − r c . 1 − l i n u x − a m d 64 / e x a m p l e s / n g i n x − a p p / b a s e . y a m l v e l e r o − v 1.10.1 − r c . 1 − l i n u x − a m d 64 / e x a m p l e s / n g i n x − a p p / w i t h − p v . y a m l v e l e r o − v 1.10.1 − r c . 1 − l i n u x − a m d 64 / v e l e r o ┌ ── [ r o o t @ v m s 100. l i r u i l o n g s . g i t h u b . i o ] − [   / a n s i b l e / v e l e r o ] └ ─ tar -zxvf velero-v1.10.1-rc.1-linux-amd64.tar.gz velero-v1.10.1-rc.1-linux-amd64/LICENSE velero-v1.10.1-rc.1-linux-amd64/examples/.DS_Store velero-v1.10.1-rc.1-linux-amd64/examples/README.md velero-v1.10.1-rc.1-linux-amd64/examples/minio velero-v1.10.1-rc.1-linux-amd64/examples/minio/00-minio-deployment.yaml velero-v1.10.1-rc.1-linux-amd64/examples/nginx-app velero-v1.10.1-rc.1-linux-amd64/examples/nginx-app/README.md velero-v1.10.1-rc.1-linux-amd64/examples/nginx-app/base.yaml velero-v1.10.1-rc.1-linux-amd64/examples/nginx-app/with-pv.yaml velero-v1.10.1-rc.1-linux-amd64/velero ┌──[root@vms100.liruilongs.github.io]-[~/ansible/velero] └─ tarzxvfvelerov1.10.1rc.1linuxamd64.tar.gzvelerov1.10.1rc.1linuxamd64/LICENSEvelerov1.10.1rc.1linuxamd64/examples/.DSStorevelerov1.10.1rc.1linuxamd64/examples/README.mdvelerov1.10.1rc.1linuxamd64/examples/miniovelerov1.10.1rc.1linuxamd64/examples/minio/00miniodeployment.yamlvelerov1.10.1rc.1linuxamd64/examples/nginxappvelerov1.10.1rc.1linuxamd64/examples/nginxapp/README.mdvelerov1.10.1rc.1linuxamd64/examples/nginxapp/base.yamlvelerov1.10.1rc.1linuxamd64/examples/nginxapp/withpv.yamlvelerov1.10.1rc.1linuxamd64/velero──[root@vms100.liruilongs.github.io][ /ansible/velero]cd velero-v1.10.1-rc.1-linux-amd64/
└─ c p v e l e r o / u s r / l o c a l / b i n / ┌ ── [ r o o t @ v m s 100. l i r u i l o n g s . g i t h u b . i o ] − [   / a n s i b l e / v e l e r o / v e l e r o − v 1.10.1 − r c . 1 − l i n u x − a m d 64 ] └ ─ cp velero /usr/local/bin/ ┌──[root@vms100.liruilongs.github.io]-[~/ansible/velero/velero-v1.10.1-rc.1-linux-amd64] └─ cpvelero/usr/local/bin/──[root@vms100.liruilongs.github.io][ /ansible/velero/velerov1.10.1rc.1linuxamd64]velero version
Version: v1.10.1-rc.1
Git commit: e4d2a83917cd848e5f4e6ebc445fd3d262de10fa
<error getting server version: no matches for kind “ServerStatusRequest” in version “velero.io/v1”>

└─ v e l e r o c o m p l e t i o n b a s h > / e t c / b a s h c o m p l e t i o n . d / v e l e r o ┌ ── [ r o o t @ v m s 100. l i r u i l o n g s . g i t h u b . i o ] − [   / a n s i b l e / v e l e r o / v e l e r o − v 1.10.1 − r c . 1 − l i n u x − a m d 64 ] └ ─ velero completion bash >/etc/bash_completion.d/velero ┌──[root@vms100.liruilongs.github.io]-[~/ansible/velero/velero-v1.10.1-rc.1-linux-amd64] └─ velerocompletionbash>/etc/bashcompletion.d/velero──[root@vms100.liruilongs.github.io][ /ansible/velero/velerov1.10.1rc.1linuxamd64]velero client config set colorized=false
在安装 服务端的同时,需要安装一个 存放 备份数据文件的对象存储系统 Minio

credentials-velero 在您的 Velero 目录中创建特定于 Velero 的凭据文件,用于连接 minio

└─ v i m c r e d e n t i a l s − v e l e r o ┌ ── [ r o o t @ v m s 100. l i r u i l o n g s . g i t h u b . i o ] − [   / a n s i b l e / v e l e r o / v e l e r o − v 1.10.1 − r c . 1 − l i n u x − a m d 64 ] └ ─ vim credentials-velero ┌──[root@vms100.liruilongs.github.io]-[~/ansible/velero/velero-v1.10.1-rc.1-linux-amd64] └─ vimcredentialsvelero──[root@vms100.liruilongs.github.io][ /ansible/velero/velerov1.10.1rc.1linuxamd64]cat credentials-velero
aws_access_key_id = minio
aws_secret_access_key = minio123

下面的 YAML 文件在 Velero 目录中,在上面的客户端的安装包里,解压出来就可以看到这个 Yaml 文件

这个 YAML 文件 用于部署一个从集群内访问的 Minio 实例。并且启动一个 Job 在 Minion 中建立备份需要的桶,需要在集群外部公开 Minio 服务。需要外部访问才能访问日志和运行 velero describe 命令。

修改下 yaml 文件,这里主要修改 Service 为 NodePort。并且把 Minion 的 控制台访问 IP 涉及为静态。

└─$cat examples/minio/00-minio-deployment.yaml

Copyright 2017 the Velero contributors.

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);

you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.

You may obtain a copy of the License at


Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software

distributed under the License is distributed on an “AS IS” BASIS,


See the License for the specific language governing permissions and

limitations under the License.

apiVersion: v1
kind: Namespace
name: velero

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
namespace: velero
name: minio
component: minio
type: Recreate
component: minio
component: minio
- name: storage
emptyDir: {}
- name: config
emptyDir: {}
- name: minio
image: quay.io/minio/minio:latest
imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
- server
- /storage
- --console-address=:9090
- --config-dir=/config
value: “minio”
value: “minio123”
- containerPort: 9000
- containerPort: 9090
- name: storage
mountPath: “/storage”
- name: config
mountPath: “/config”

apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
namespace: velero
name: minio
component: minio

ClusterIP is recommended for production environments.

Change to NodePort if needed per documentation,

but only if you run Minio in a test/trial environment, for example with Minikube.

type: NodePort
- port: 9000
name: api
targetPort: 9000
protocol: TCP
- port: 9099
name: console
targetPort: 9090
protocol: TCP
component: minio

apiVersion: batch/v1
kind: Job
namespace: velero
name: minio-setup
component: minio
name: minio-setup
restartPolicy: OnFailure
- name: config
emptyDir: {}
- name: mc
image: minio/mc:latest
imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
- /bin/sh
- -c
- “mc --config-dir=/config config host add velero http://minio:9000 minio minio123 && mc --config-dir=/config mb -p velero/velero”
- name: config
mountPath: “/config”
注意:Minio yaml 提供的示例使用“empty dir”。您的节点需要有足够的可用空间来存储正在备份的数据以及 1GB 的可用空间。如果节点没有足够的空间,您可以修改示例 yaml 以使用 Persistent Volume 而不是“empty dir”


bucket:你在 minio 中创建的 bucketname
backup-location-config: 把 xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx 改成你 minio 服务器的 ip 地址。
集群中部署 Velero

velero install
–provider aws
–plugins velero/velero-plugin-for-aws:v1.2.1
–bucket velero
–secret-file ./credentials-velero
–backup-location-config region=minio,s3ForcePathStyle=“true”,s3Url=http://minio.velero.svc:9000
如果为私仓,可以导出 YAML 文件调整在应用。

└─$velero install
–provider aws
–plugins velero/velero-plugin-for-aws:v1.2.1
–bucket velero
–secret-file ./credentials-velero
–backup-location-config region=minio,s3ForcePathStyle=“true”,s3Url=http://minio.velero.svc:9000
–dry-run -o yaml > velero_deploy.yaml

└─ k u b e c t l a p p l y − f v e l e r o d e p l o y . y a m l C u s t o m R e s o u r c e D e f i n i t i o n / b a c k u p r e p o s i t o r i e s . v e l e r o . i o : a t t e m p t i n g t o c r e a t e r e s o u r c e C u s t o m R e s o u r c e D e f i n i t i o n / b a c k u p r e p o s i t o r i e s . v e l e r o . i o : a t t e m p t i n g t o c r e a t e r e s o u r c e c l i e n t . . . . . . . . . . B a c k u p S t o r a g e L o c a t i o n / d e f a u l t : a t t e m p t i n g t o c r e a t e r e s o u r c e B a c k u p S t o r a g e L o c a t i o n / d e f a u l t : a t t e m p t i n g t o c r e a t e r e s o u r c e c l i e n t B a c k u p S t o r a g e L o c a t i o n / d e f a u l t : c r e a t e d D e p l o y m e n t / v e l e r o : a t t e m p t i n g t o c r e a t e r e s o u r c e D e p l o y m e n t / v e l e r o : a t t e m p t i n g t o c r e a t e r e s o u r c e c l i e n t D e p l o y m e n t / v e l e r o : c r e a t e d V e l e r o i s i n s t a l l e d ! ⛵ U s e ′ k u b e c t l l o g s d e p l o y m e n t / v e l e r o − n v e l e r o ′ t o v i e w t h e s t a t u s . ┌ ── [ r o o t @ v m s 100. l i r u i l o n g s . g i t h u b . i o ] − [   / a n s i b l e / v e l e r o / v e l e r o − v 1.10.1 − r c . 1 − l i n u x − a m d 64 ] └ ─ kubectl apply -f velero_deploy.yaml CustomResourceDefinition/backuprepositories.velero.io: attempting to create resource CustomResourceDefinition/backuprepositories.velero.io: attempting to create resource client .......... BackupStorageLocation/default: attempting to create resource BackupStorageLocation/default: attempting to create resource client BackupStorageLocation/default: created Deployment/velero: attempting to create resource Deployment/velero: attempting to create resource client Deployment/velero: created Velero is installed! ⛵ Use 'kubectl logs deployment/velero -n velero' to view the status. ┌──[root@vms100.liruilongs.github.io]-[~/ansible/velero/velero-v1.10.1-rc.1-linux-amd64] └─ kubectlapplyfvelerodeploy.yamlCustomResourceDefinition/backuprepositories.velero.io:attemptingtocreateresourceCustomResourceDefinition/backuprepositories.velero.io:attemptingtocreateresourceclient..........BackupStorageLocation/default:attemptingtocreateresourceBackupStorageLocation/default:attemptingtocreateresourceclientBackupStorageLocation/default:createdDeployment/velero:attemptingtocreateresourceDeployment/velero:attemptingtocreateresourceclientDeployment/velero:createdVeleroisinstalled!Usekubectllogsdeployment/veleronvelerotoviewthestatus.──[root@vms100.liruilongs.github.io][ /ansible/velero/velerov1.10.1rc.1linuxamd64]
部署完成的 job 会自动新建 备用文件上传用的桶



└─ v e l e r o b a c k u p c r e a t e v e l e r o − d e m o B a c k u p r e q u e s t " v e l e r o − d e m o " s u b m i t t e d s u c c e s s f u l l y . R u n ‘ v e l e r o b a c k u p d e s c r i b e v e l e r o − d e m o ‘ o r ‘ v e l e r o b a c k u p l o g s v e l e r o − d e m o ‘ f o r m o r e d e t a i l s . ┌ ── [ r o o t @ v m s 100. l i r u i l o n g s . g i t h u b . i o ] − [   / a n s i b l e / v e l e r o / v e l e r o − v 1.10.1 − r c . 1 − l i n u x − a m d 64 ] └ ─ velero backup create velero-demo Backup request "velero-demo" submitted successfully. Run `velero backup describe velero-demo` or `velero backup logs velero-demo` for more details. ┌──[root@vms100.liruilongs.github.io]-[~/ansible/velero/velero-v1.10.1-rc.1-linux-amd64] └─ velerobackupcreatevelerodemoBackuprequest"velerodemo"submittedsuccessfully.Runvelerobackupdescribevelerodemoorvelerobackuplogsvelerodemoformoredetails.──[root@vms100.liruilongs.github.io][ /ansible/velero/velerov1.10.1rc.1linuxamd64]velero get backup velero-demo
velero-demo InProgress 0 0 2023-01-28 22:18:45 +0800 CST 29d default

└─$velero get backup velero-demo
velero-demo Completed 0 0 2023-01-28 22:18:45 +0800 CST 29d default



└─ v e l e r o s c h e d u l e c r e a t e k 8 s − b a c k u p − − s c h e d u l e = " @ d a i l y " S c h e d u l e " k 8 s − b a c k u p " c r e a t e d s u c c e s s f u l l y . ┌ ── [ r o o t @ v m s 100. l i r u i l o n g s . g i t h u b . i o ] − [   / a n s i b l e / v e l e r o / v e l e r o − v 1.10.1 − r c . 1 − l i n u x − a m d 64 ] └ ─ velero schedule create k8s-backup --schedule="@daily" Schedule "k8s-backup" created successfully. ┌──[root@vms100.liruilongs.github.io]-[~/ansible/velero/velero-v1.10.1-rc.1-linux-amd64] └─ veleroschedulecreatek8sbackupschedule="@daily"Schedule"k8sbackup"createdsuccessfully.──[root@vms100.liruilongs.github.io][ /ansible/velero/velerov1.10.1rc.1linuxamd64]velero get schedule
k8s-backup Enabled 2023-01-29 00:11:03 +0800 CST @daily 0s n/a false
└─ v e l e r o r e s t o r e c r e a t e − − f r o m − b a c k u p v e l e r o − d e m o R e s t o r e r e q u e s t " v e l e r o − d e m o − 20230129001615 " s u b m i t t e d s u c c e s s f u l l y . R u n ‘ v e l e r o r e s t o r e d e s c r i b e v e l e r o − d e m o − 20230129001615 ‘ o r ‘ v e l e r o r e s t o r e l o g s v e l e r o − d e m o − 20230129001615 ‘ f o r m o r e d e t a i l s . ┌ ── [ r o o t @ v m s 100. l i r u i l o n g s . g i t h u b . i o ] − [   / a n s i b l e / v e l e r o / v e l e r o − v 1.10.1 − r c . 1 − l i n u x − a m d 64 ] └ ─ velero restore create --from-backup velero-demo Restore request "velero-demo-20230129001615" submitted successfully. Run `velero restore describe velero-demo-20230129001615` or `velero restore logs velero-demo-20230129001615` for more details. ┌──[root@vms100.liruilongs.github.io]-[~/ansible/velero/velero-v1.10.1-rc.1-linux-amd64] └─ velerorestorecreatefrombackupvelerodemoRestorerequest"velerodemo20230129001615"submittedsuccessfully.Runvelerorestoredescribevelerodemo20230129001615‘orvelerorestorelogsvelerodemo20230129001615‘formoredetails.──[root@vms100.liruilongs.github.io][ /ansible/velero/velerov1.10.1rc.1linuxamd64]velero get restore
velero-demo-20230129001615 velero-demo InProgress 2023-01-29 00:16:15 +0800 CST 0 0 2023-01-29 00:16:15 +0800 CST
└─ v e l e r o g e t r e s t o r e N A M E B A C K U P S T A T U S S T A R T E D C O M P L E T E D E R R O R S W A R N I N G S C R E A T E D S E L E C T O R v e l e r o − d e m o − 20230129001615 v e l e r o − d e m o C o m p l e t e d 2023 − 01 − 2900 : 16 : 15 + 0800 C S T 2023 − 01 − 2900 : 17 : 20 + 0800 C S T 01352023 − 01 − 2900 : 16 : 15 + 0800 C S T < n o n e > ┌ ── [ r o o t @ v m s 100. l i r u i l o n g s . g i t h u b . i o ] − [   / a n s i b l e / v e l e r o / v e l e r o − v 1.10.1 − r c . 1 − l i n u x − a m d 64 ] └ ─ velero get restore NAME BACKUP STATUS STARTED COMPLETED ERRORS WARNINGS CREATED SELECTOR velero-demo-20230129001615 velero-demo Completed 2023-01-29 00:16:15 +0800 CST 2023-01-29 00:17:20 +0800 CST 0 135 2023-01-29 00:16:15 +0800 CST <none> ┌──[root@vms100.liruilongs.github.io]-[~/ansible/velero/velero-v1.10.1-rc.1-linux-amd64] └─ velerogetrestoreNAMEBACKUPSTATUSSTARTEDCOMPLETEDERRORSWARNINGSCREATEDSELECTORvelerodemo20230129001615velerodemoCompleted2023012900:16:15+0800CST2023012900:17:20+0800CST01352023012900:16:15+0800CST<none>──[root@vms100.liruilongs.github.io][ /ansible/velero/velerov1.10.1rc.1linuxamd64]




└─$kubectl-ketall -n cadvisor
W0129 00:34:28.299699 126128 warnings.go:70] kubevirt.io/v1 VirtualMachineInstancePresets is now deprecated and will be removed in v2.
W0129 00:34:28.354853 126128 warnings.go:70] metallb.io v1beta1 AddressPool is deprecated, consider using IPAddressPool
configmap/kube-root-ca.crt cadvisor 2d4h
pod/cadvisor-5v7hl cadvisor 2d4h
pod/cadvisor-7dnmk cadvisor 2d4h
pod/cadvisor-7l4zf cadvisor 2d4h
pod/cadvisor-dj6dm cadvisor 2d4h
pod/cadvisor-sjpq8 cadvisor 2d4h
serviceaccount/cadvisor cadvisor 2d4h
serviceaccount/default cadvisor 2d4h
controllerrevision.apps/cadvisor-6cc5c5c9cc cadvisor 2d4h
daemonset.apps/cadvisor cadvisor 2d4h

└─ k u b e c t l d e l e t e n s c a d v i s o r n a m e s p a c e " c a d v i s o r " d e l e t e d C ┌ ── [ r o o t @ v m s 100. l i r u i l o n g s . g i t h u b . i o ] − [   / b a c k ] └ ─ kubectl delete ns cadvisor namespace "cadvisor" deleted ^C┌──[root@vms100.liruilongs.github.io]-[~/back] └─ kubectldeletenscadvisornamespace"cadvisor"deletedC──[root@vms100.liruilongs.github.io][ /back]kubectl delete ns cadvisor --force
Warning: Immediate deletion does not wait for confirmation that the running resource has been terminated. The resource may continue to run on the cluster indefinitely.
Error from server (NotFound): namespaces “cadvisor” not found

└─$kubectl-ketall -n cadvisor
W0129 00:35:25.548656 127598 warnings.go:70] kubevirt.io/v1 VirtualMachineInstancePresets is now deprecated and will be removed in v2.
W0129 00:35:25.581030 127598 warnings.go:70] metallb.io v1beta1 AddressPool is deprecated, consider using IPAddressPool
No resources found.

└─ v e l e r o r e s t o r e c r e a t e − − f r o m − b a c k u p v e l e r o − d e m o R e s t o r e r e q u e s t " v e l e r o − d e m o − 20230129003541 " s u b m i t t e d s u c c e s s f u l l y . R u n ‘ v e l e r o r e s t o r e d e s c r i b e v e l e r o − d e m o − 20230129003541 ‘ o r ‘ v e l e r o r e s t o r e l o g s v e l e r o − d e m o − 20230129003541 ‘ f o r m o r e d e t a i l s . ┌ ── [ r o o t @ v m s 100. l i r u i l o n g s . g i t h u b . i o ] − [   / b a c k ] └ ─ velero restore create --from-backup velero-demo Restore request "velero-demo-20230129003541" submitted successfully. Run `velero restore describe velero-demo-20230129003541` or `velero restore logs velero-demo-20230129003541` for more details. ┌──[root@vms100.liruilongs.github.io]-[~/back] └─ velerorestorecreatefrombackupvelerodemoRestorerequest"velerodemo20230129003541"submittedsuccessfully.Runvelerorestoredescribevelerodemo20230129003541‘orvelerorestorelogsvelerodemo20230129003541‘formoredetails.──[root@vms100.liruilongs.github.io][ /back]velero get restore
velero-demo-20230129001615 velero-demo Completed 2023-01-29 00:16:15 +0800 CST 2023-01-29 00:17:20 +0800 CST 0 135 2023-01-29 00:16:15 +0800 CST
velero-demo-20230129003541 velero-demo InProgress 2023-01-29 00:35:41 +0800 CST 0 0 2023-01-29 00:35:41 +0800 CST
└─$velero get restore
velero-demo-20230129001615 velero-demo Completed 2023-01-29 00:16:15 +0800 CST 2023-01-29 00:17:20 +0800 CST 0 135 2023-01-29 00:16:15 +0800 CST
velero-demo-20230129003541 velero-demo Completed 2023-01-29 00:35:41 +0800 CST 2023-01-29 00:36:46 +0800 CST 0 135 2023-01-29 00:35:41 +0800 CST

└─ k u b e c t l − k e t a l l − n c a d v i s o r W 012900 : 37 : 29.787766130766 w a r n i n g s . g o : 70 ] k u b e v i r t . i o / v 1 V i r t u a l M a c h i n e I n s t a n c e P r e s e t s i s n o w d e p r e c a t e d a n d w i l l b e r e m o v e d i n v 2. W 012900 : 37 : 29.819111130766 w a r n i n g s . g o : 70 ] m e t a l l b . i o v 1 b e t a 1 A d d r e s s P o o l i s d e p r e c a t e d , c o n s i d e r u s i n g I P A d d r e s s P o o l N A M E N A M E S P A C E A G E c o n f i g m a p / k u b e − r o o t − c a . c r t c a d v i s o r 94 s p o d / c a d v i s o r − 5 v 7 h l c a d v i s o r 87 s p o d / c a d v i s o r − 7 d n m k c a d v i s o r 87 s p o d / c a d v i s o r − 7 l 4 z f c a d v i s o r 87 s p o d / c a d v i s o r − d j 6 d m c a d v i s o r 87 s p o d / c a d v i s o r − s j p q 8 c a d v i s o r 87 s s e r v i c e a c c o u n t / c a d v i s o r c a d v i s o r 88 s s e r v i c e a c c o u n t / d e f a u l t c a d v i s o r 94 s c o n t r o l l e r r e v i s i o n . a p p s / c a d v i s o r − 6 c c 5 c 5 c 9 c c c a d v i s o r 63 s d a e m o n s e t . a p p s / c a d v i s o r c a d v i s o r 63 s ┌ ── [ r o o t @ v m s 100. l i r u i l o n g s . g i t h u b . i o ] − [   / b a c k ] └ ─ kubectl-ketall -n cadvisor W0129 00:37:29.787766 130766 warnings.go:70] kubevirt.io/v1 VirtualMachineInstancePresets is now deprecated and will be removed in v2. W0129 00:37:29.819111 130766 warnings.go:70] metallb.io v1beta1 AddressPool is deprecated, consider using IPAddressPool NAME NAMESPACE AGE configmap/kube-root-ca.crt cadvisor 94s pod/cadvisor-5v7hl cadvisor 87s pod/cadvisor-7dnmk cadvisor 87s pod/cadvisor-7l4zf cadvisor 87s pod/cadvisor-dj6dm cadvisor 87s pod/cadvisor-sjpq8 cadvisor 87s serviceaccount/cadvisor cadvisor 88s serviceaccount/default cadvisor 94s controllerrevision.apps/cadvisor-6cc5c5c9cc cadvisor 63s daemonset.apps/cadvisor cadvisor 63s ┌──[root@vms100.liruilongs.github.io]-[~/back] └─ kubectlketallncadvisorW012900:37:29.787766130766warnings.go:70]kubevirt.io/v1VirtualMachineInstancePresetsisnowdeprecatedandwillberemovedinv2.W012900:37:29.819111130766warnings.go:70]metallb.iov1beta1AddressPoolisdeprecated,considerusingIPAddressPoolNAMENAMESPACEAGEconfigmap/kuberootca.crtcadvisor94spod/cadvisor5v7hlcadvisor87spod/cadvisor7dnmkcadvisor87spod/cadvisor7l4zfcadvisor87spod/cadvisordj6dmcadvisor87spod/cadvisorsjpq8cadvisor87sserviceaccount/cadvisorcadvisor88sserviceaccount/defaultcadvisor94scontrollerrevision.apps/cadvisor6cc5c5c9cccadvisor63sdaemonset.apps/cadvisorcadvisor63s──[root@vms100.liruilongs.github.io][ /back]
└─$kubectl get all -n cadvisor
Warning: kubevirt.io/v1 VirtualMachineInstancePresets is now deprecated and will be removed in v2.
pod/cadvisor-5v7hl 1/1 Running 0 2m50s
pod/cadvisor-7dnmk 1/1 Running 0 2m50s
pod/cadvisor-7l4zf 1/1 Running 0 2m50s
pod/cadvisor-dj6dm 1/1 Running 0 2m50s
pod/cadvisor-sjpq8 1/1 Running 0 2m50s

daemonset.apps/cadvisor 5 5 5 5 5 2m26s
这里需要说明一点过,如果当前有命令空间发生了删除,但是你中断了它,类似下面这样,kubevirt 通过命令行发生的删除操作,但是它的删除没有完成。或者你进行了一些其他的操作。重复的删除创建 API 资源,导致的某些问题希望恢复操作之前的集群状态

└─$kubectl get ns
cadvisor Active 39h
default Active 3d20h
ingress-nginx Active 3d20h
kube-node-lease Active 3d20h
kube-public Active 3d20h
kube-system Active 3d20h
kubevirt Terminating 3d20h
local-path-storage Active 3d20h
metallb-system Active 3d20h
velero Active 40h
这个时候,如果使用 velero 发生 备份还原操作。可以会卡在下面的两个状态 InProgress 或者 New

└─ v e l e r o g e t r e s t o r e N A M E B A C K U P S T A T U S S T A R T E D C O M P L E T E D E R R O R S W A R N I N G S C R E A T E D S E L E C T O R v e l e r o − d e m o − 20230130105328 v e l e r o − d e m o I n P r o g r e s s 2023 − 01 − 3010 : 53 : 28 + 0800 C S T < n i l > 002023 − 01 − 3010 : 53 : 28 + 0800 C S T < n o n e > ┌ ── [ r o o t @ v m s 100. l i r u i l o n g s . g i t h u b . i o ] − [   / a n s i b l e / k u b e v i r t ] └ ─ velero get restore NAME BACKUP STATUS STARTED COMPLETED ERRORS WARNINGS CREATED SELECTOR velero-demo-20230130105328 velero-demo InProgress 2023-01-30 10:53:28 +0800 CST <nil> 0 0 2023-01-30 10:53:28 +0800 CST <none> ┌──[root@vms100.liruilongs.github.io]-[~/ansible/kubevirt] └─ velerogetrestoreNAMEBACKUPSTATUSSTARTEDCOMPLETEDERRORSWARNINGSCREATEDSELECTORvelerodemo20230130105328velerodemoInProgress2023013010:53:28+0800CST<nil>002023013010:53:28+0800CST<none>──[root@vms100.liruilongs.github.io][ /ansible/kubevirt]velero get restores
velero-demo-20230130161258 velero-demo New 0 0 2023-01-30 16:12:58 +0800 CST

└─ v e l e r o g e t r e s t o r e s N A M E B A C K U P S T A T U S S T A R T E D C O M P L E T E D E R R O R S W A R N I N G S C R E A T E D S E L E C T O R . . . . . . . . . . . . . v e l e r o − d e m o − 20230130161258 v e l e r o − d e m o C o m p l e t e d 2023 − 01 − 3020 : 53 : 58 + 0800 C S T 2023 − 01 − 3020 : 55 : 20 + 0800 C S T 01642023 − 01 − 3016 : 12 : 58 + 0800 C S T < n o n e > ┌ ── [ r o o t @ v m s 100. l i r u i l o n g s . g i t h u b . i o ] − [   / a n s i b l e / k u b e v i r t ] └ ─ velero get restores NAME BACKUP STATUS STARTED COMPLETED ERRORS WARNINGS CREATED SELECTOR ............. velero-demo-20230130161258 velero-demo Completed 2023-01-30 20:53:58 +0800 CST 2023-01-30 20:55:20 +0800 CST 0 164 2023-01-30 16:12:58 +0800 CST <none> ┌──[root@vms100.liruilongs.github.io]-[~/ansible/kubevirt] └─ velerogetrestoresNAMEBACKUPSTATUSSTARTEDCOMPLETEDERRORSWARNINGSCREATEDSELECTOR.............velerodemo20230130161258velerodemoCompleted2023013020:53:58+0800CST2023013020:55:20+0800CST01642023013016:12:58+0800CST<none>──[root@vms100.liruilongs.github.io][ /ansible/kubevirt]date
2023年 01月 30日 星期一 21:02:49 CST
└─$cat delete_namespace.sh

coproc kubectl proxy --port=30990 &

if [ $# -eq 0 ] ; then
echo “后面加上你所要删除的ns.”
exit 1

kubectl get namespace 1 − o j s o n > l o g g i n g . j s o n s e d − i ′ / " f i n a l i z e r s " / n ; d ′ l o g g i n g . j s o n c u r l − k − H " C o n t e n t − T y p e : a p p l i c a t i o n / j s o n " − X P U T − − d a t a − b i n a r y @ l o g g i n g . j s o n h t t p : / / : 30990 / a p i / v 1 / n a m e s p a c e s / 1 -o json > logging.json sed -i '/"finalizers"/{n;d}' logging.json curl -k -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X PUT --data-binary @logging.json 1ojson>logging.jsonsedi/"finalizers"/n;dlogging.jsoncurlkH"ContentType:application/json"XPUTdatabinary@logging.jsonhttp://{1}/finalize

kill %1
└─ s h d e l e t e n a m e s p a c e . s h k u b e v i r t ┌ ── [ r o o t @ v m s 100. l i r u i l o n g s . g i t h u b . i o ] − [   / a n s i b l e / k 8 s s h e l l s e c r i p t ] └ ─ sh delete_namespace.sh kubevirt ┌──[root@vms100.liruilongs.github.io]-[~/ansible/k8s_shell_secript] └─ shdeletenamespace.shkubevirt──[root@vms100.liruilongs.github.io][ /ansible/k8sshellsecript]ls
delete_namespace.sh logging.json