【强化学习】18 —— SAC( Soft Actor-Critic)


之前的章节提到过在线策略算法的采样效率比较低,我们通常更倾向于使用离线策略算法。然而,虽然 DDPG 是离线策略算法,但是它的训练非常不稳定,收敛性较差,对超参数比较敏感,也难以适应不同的复杂环境。2018 年,一个更加稳定的离线策略算法 Soft Actor-Critic(SAC)被提出。SAC 的前身是 Soft Q-learning,它们都属于最大熵强化学习的范畴。Soft Q-learning 不存在一个显式的策略函数,而是使用一个函数 Q Q Q的波尔兹曼分布,在连续空间下求解非常麻烦。于是 SAC 提出使用一个 Actor 表示策略函数,从而解决这个问题。目前,在无模型的强化学习算法中,SAC 是一个非常高效的算法,它学习一个随机性策略,在不少标准环境中取得了领先的成绩。


熵是策略中随机性的一种度量,设 x x x为随机变量,概率密度函数为 P P P,熵 H H H的计算式为: H ( p ) = E x ∼ p [ − log ⁡ p ( x ) ] H(p)=\mathbb{E}_{x\sim p}[-\log p(x)] H(p)=Exp[logp(x)]在强化学习中,我们可以使用 H ( π ( ⋅ ∣ s ) ) H(\pi(\cdot|s)) H(π(s))来表示策略 π \pi π在状态 s s s下的随机程度。最大熵强化学习(maximum entropy RL)的思想就是除了要最大化累积奖励,还要使得策略更加随机,除此之外还要增加算法的鲁棒性以及提升策略的预训练效果。




π M a x E n t ∗ = arg ⁡ max ⁡ π ∑ t E ( s t , a t ) ∼ ρ π [ r ( s t , a t ) + α H ( π ( ⋅ ∣ s t ) ) ] \begin{aligned}\pi_\mathrm{MaxEnt}^*=&\arg\max_\pi\sum_t\mathbb{E}_{(\mathbf{s}_t,\mathbf{a}_t)\sim\rho_\pi}\left[r(\mathbf{s}_t,\mathbf{a}_t)+\alpha\mathcal{H}(\pi(\cdot|\mathbf{s}_t))\right]\end{aligned} πMaxEnt=argπmaxtE(st,at)ρπ[r(st,at)+αH(π(st))] H ( π ( ⋅ ∣ s t ) ) = − ∑ a t π ( a t ∣ s t ) l o g ( π ( a t ∣ s t ) ) {\mathcal H}\big(\pi(\cdot|s_{t})\big)=-\sum_{a_{t}}\pi(a_{t}|s_{t})\mathrm{log}\big(\pi(a_{t}|s_{t})\big) H(π(st))=atπ(atst)log(π(atst))其中, α \alpha α是一个正则化的系数,用来控制熵的重要程度。熵正则化增加了强化学习算法的探索程度,当 α = 0 \alpha=0 α=0时,最大熵强化学习与传统的 RL算法相同;当 α > 0 \alpha>0 α>0时, α \alpha α越大,探索性就越强,有助于加速后续的策略学习,并减少策略陷入较差的局部最优的可能性,鲁棒性越好。

⚠️You Should Know
请注意,优化目标与玻尔兹曼探索(Sallans & Hinton, 2004)和PGQ (O’Donoghue et al., 2016)的行为有质的不同,后者基于贪婪策略在当前时间步长最大化熵,但没有明确会优化未来可能到达高熵状态的策略。这个不同之处很重要,因为最大熵优化目标会最大化策略 π \pi π的整个轨迹的熵。

a = μ ( ⋅ ∣ s t ) + ϵ a=\mu(\cdot|s_t)+\epsilon a=μ(st)+ϵ
对于连续动作空间,通常会加上噪声项 ϵ \epsilon ϵ,以增强算法的探索能力。 ϵ \epsilon ϵ通常是一个高斯分布。但是这种方法会有难以学到多样化的策略 μ \mu μ以及因为 ϵ \epsilon ϵ服从预定义的分布,而难以泛化到多模态的复杂情况等问题。


优化最大熵目标为我们提供了一个训练随机策略的框架,但是其中的策略还未进行表示。以往的工作中有采用多项分布或者高斯分布进行表示,然而,如果我们想使用一类通用的分布来表示复杂的、多模态的行为,我们可以选择使用这种形式的基于能量的通用策略: π ( a t ∣ s t ) ∝ exp ⁡ ( − E ( s t , a t ) ) , \pi(\mathbf{a}_t|\mathbf{s}_t)\propto\exp\left(-\mathcal{E}(\mathbf{s}_t,\mathbf{a}_t)\right), π(atst)exp(E(st,at)),

其中, E \mathcal{E} E代表能量函数,可用深度神经网络进行拟合。接下来简要介绍一下基于能量的模型。

基于能量的模型(Energy-Based Model, EBM)的目标是最大化打分函数 ϕ ( x ) \phi(x) ϕ(x)的期望,同时增加探索性:
max ⁡ p E x ∼ p [ ϕ ( x ) ] + α H ( p ) \max_p \mathbb{E}_{x\sim p}[\phi(x)]+\alpha\mathcal{H}(p) pmaxExp[ϕ(x)]+αH(p)

其中, α \alpha α越大,越鼓励探索。最终求解出的分布符合波兹曼分布(Boltzmann distribution) , p ∗ ( x ) ∝ e − ϕ ( x ) / α ,p^{*}(x)\propto e^{-\phi(x)/\alpha} p(x)eϕ(x)/α(其中 α \alpha α又可以被称为温度系数)。将目标函数除以 α \alpha α,因为 H ( p ) = E x ∼ p [ − log ⁡ p ( x ) ] H(p)=\mathbb{E}_{x\sim p}[-\log p(x)] H(p)=Exp[logp(x)],将两项合并,最终最大化目标函数等价于最小化负的 p p p p ϕ p_\phi pϕ的KL散度。
E x ∼ p [ ϕ ( x ) ] α + H ( p ) = E x ∼ p [ ϕ ( x ) α − log ⁡ p ( x ) ] = − K L ( p ∣ ∣ p ϕ ) \frac{\mathbb{E}_{x\sim p}[\phi(x)]}{\alpha}+\mathcal{H}(p)=\mathbb{E}_{x\sim p}\left[\frac{\phi(x)}{\alpha}-\log p(x)\right]=-KL\big(p||p_{\phi}\big) αExp[ϕ(x)]+H(p)=Exp[αϕ(x)logp(x)]=KL(p∣∣pϕ)

波兹曼分布(Boltzmann distribution) p ϕ ( x ) = e ϕ ( x ) / α z = e − ε ( x ) z p_{\phi}(x)=\frac{e^{\phi(x)/\alpha}}{z}=\frac{e^{-\varepsilon(x)}}{z} pϕ(x)=zeϕ(x)/α=zeε(x)的能量函数为 ε ( x ) = − ϕ ( x ) α \varepsilon(x)=-\frac{\phi(x)}{\alpha} ε(x)=αϕ(x),能量越高越不确定。

在最大熵强化学习中,策略优化目标为(即,令 E ( s t , a t ) = − 1 α Q s o f t ( s t , a t ) \mathcal{E}(s_t, a_t) =-\frac{1}{\alpha}Q_{soft}(s_t, a_t) E(st,at)=α1Qsoft(st,at)):
max ⁡ a E x ∼ π ( ⋅ ∣ s ) [ Q ( s , a ) ] + α H ( π ( ⋅ ∣ s ) ) \max_a \mathbb{E}_{x\sim {\pi(\cdot|s)}}[Q(s,a)]+\alpha\mathcal{H}(\pi(\cdot|s)) amaxExπ(s)[Q(s,a)]+αH(π(s))因此,最大熵强化学习不会像传统RL那样直接选取最大的Q函数值,而是将探索性考虑进来,从而避免陷入局部最小值。在实践应用中,最大熵的优点包括:1)它鼓励更广泛的探索,同时放弃多余的样本;2)该策略可以得到多个近似最优动作;3)该方法可以有效地提高训练速度,是优化传统RL目标函数的一种新方法。


V π ( s ) = E τ ∼ π ∑ t = 0 ∞ γ t ( R ( s t , a t , s t + 1 ) + α H ( π ( ⋅ ∣ s t ) ) ) ∣ s 0 = s V^{\pi}(s) = E_{\tau \sim \pi}{ \left. \sum_{t=0}^{\infty} \gamma^t \bigg( R(s_t, a_t, s_{t+1}) + \alpha H\left(\pi(\cdot|s_t)\right) \bigg) \right| s_0 = s} Vπ(s)=Eτπt=0γt(R(st,at,st+1)+αH(π(st))) s0=s Q π ( s , a ) = E τ ∼ π ∑ t = 0 ∞ γ t R ( s t , a t , s t + 1 ) + α ∑ t = 1 ∞ γ t H ( π ( ⋅ ∣ s t ) ) ∣ s 0 = s , a 0 = a Q^{\pi}(s,a) = E_{\tau \sim \pi}{ \left. \sum_{t=0}^{\infty} \gamma^t R(s_t, a_t, s_{t+1}) + \alpha \sum_{\textcolor{red}{t=1}}^{\infty} \gamma^t H\left(\pi(\cdot|s_t)\right)\right| s_0 = s, a_0 = a} Qπ(s,a)=Eτπt=0γtR(st,at,st+1)+αt=1γtH(π(st)) s0=s,a0=a

V π ( s ) = E a ∼ π Q π ( s , a ) + α H ( π ( ⋅ ∣ s ) ) V^{\pi}(s) = E_{a \sim \pi}{Q^{\pi}(s,a)} + \alpha H\left(\pi(\cdot|s)\right) Vπ(s)=EaπQπ(s,a)+αH(π(s)) Q π ( s , a ) = E s ′ ∼ P , a ′ ∼ π [ R ( s , a , s ′ ) + γ ( Q π ( s ′ , a ′ ) + α H ( π ( ⋅ ∣ s ′ ) ) ) ] = E s ′ ∼ P [ R ( s , a , s ′ ) + γ V π ( s ′ ) ] . \begin{aligned}Q^{\pi}(s,a) =& E_{s' \sim P ,a' \sim \pi}{[R(s,a,s') + \gamma\left(Q^{\pi}(s',a') + \alpha H\left(\pi(\cdot|s')\right) \right)}] \\=& E_{s' \sim P}{[R(s,a,s') + \gamma V^{\pi}(s')]}.\end{aligned} Qπ(s,a)==EsP,aπ[R(s,a,s)+γ(Qπ(s,a)+αH(π(s)))]EsP[R(s,a,s)+γVπ(s)].


最大熵强化学习的策略目标是 max ⁡ a E x ∼ π ( ⋅ ∣ s ) [ Q s o f t ( s , a ) ] + α H ( π ( ⋅ ∣ s ) ) \max_a \mathbb{E}_{x\sim {\pi(\cdot|s)}}[Q_{soft}(s,a)]+\alpha\mathcal{H}(\pi(\cdot|s)) maxaExπ(s)[Qsoft(s,a)]+αH(π(s)),基于能量模型的形式 ,则可表示为
π M a x l n t ( a ∣ s ) ∝ exp ⁡ ( Q s o f t ( s , a ) / α ) \pi_{\mathrm{Maxlnt}}(a|s)\propto\exp\bigl(Q_{soft}(s,a)/\alpha\bigr) πMaxlnt(as)exp(Qsoft(s,a)/α)
V s o f t ( s t ) = E a ∼ π [ Q s o f t ( s t , a t ) ] + α H ( π ( ⋅ ∣ s t ) ) V s o f t ( s t ) ← α log ⁡ ∫ exp ⁡ ( 1 α Q s o f t ( s t , a ′ ) ) d a ′ \begin{aligned}V_{soft}(s_t)&=\mathbb{E}_{a\sim\pi}\big[Q_{soft}(s_t,a_t)\big]+\alpha\mathcal{H}\big(\pi(\cdot|s_t)\big)\\V_{soft}(s_t)&\leftarrow\alpha\log\int\exp\left(\frac{1}{\alpha}Q_{soft}(s_t,a')\right)da'\end{aligned} Vsoft(st)Vsoft(st)=Eaπ[Qsoft(st,at)]+αH(π(st))αlogexp(α1Qsoft(st,a))da


π M a x l n t ( a ∣ s ) = exp ⁡ ( 1 α ( Q s o f t ∗ ( s t , a t ) − V s o f t ∗ ( s t ) ) ) \pi_{\mathrm{Maxlnt}}(a|s)=\exp\left(\frac{1}{\alpha}\Big(Q_{soft}^{*}(s_{t},a_{t})-V_{soft}^{*}(s_{t})\Big)\right) πMaxlnt(as)=exp(α1(Qsoft(st,at)Vsoft(st)))

⚠️You Should Know
证明过程可参考 Reinforcement Learning with Deep Energy-Based Policies, 2017, arXiv

Soft Q-learning

Soft Q-Iteration

类似于Q-learning,通过对 Q s o f t Q_{soft}^{} Qsoft以及 V s o f t V_{soft}^{} Vsoft的不断迭代,可以使得结果不断向收敛至 Q s o f t ∗ Q_{soft}^{*} Qsoft V s o f t ∗ V_{soft}^{*} Vsoft以及 π → π M a x E n t ∗ \pi\rightarrow\pi_\mathrm{MaxEnt}^* ππMaxEnt Q s o f t ( s t , a t ) ← r t + γ E s t + 1 ∼ p s [ V s o f t ( s t + 1 ) ] , ∀ s t , a t ( 8 ) V s o f t ( s t ) ← α log ⁡ ∫ A exp ⁡ ( 1 α Q s o f t ( s t , a ′ ) ) d a ′ , ∀ s t ( 9 ) \begin{aligned}Q_{\mathrm{soft}}(\mathbf{s}_t,\mathbf{a}_t)\leftarrow r_t+\gamma\mathbb{E}_{\mathbf{s}_{t+1}\sim p_\mathbf{s}}\left[V_{\mathrm{soft}}(\mathbf{s}_{t+1})\right],\forall\mathbf{s}_t,\mathbf{a}_t\quad(8)\\V_{\mathrm{soft}}(\mathbf{s}_t)\leftarrow\alpha\log\int_{\mathcal{A}}\exp\left(\frac{1}{\alpha}Q_{\mathrm{soft}}(\mathbf{s}_t,\mathbf{a}^{\prime})\right)d\mathbf{a}^{\prime},\forall\mathbf{s}_t(9)\end{aligned} Qsoft(st,at)rt+γEst+1ps[Vsoft(st+1)],st,at(8)Vsoft(st)αlogAexp(α1Qsoft(st,a))da,st(9) c o n v e r g e s   t o   Q s o f t ∗   a n d   V s o f t ∗ , r e s p e c t i v e l y . converges ~to ~Q_\mathrm{soft}^* ~and ~V_\mathrm{soft}^*, respectively. converges to Qsoft and Vsoft,respectively.

⚠️You Should Know
收敛性证明过程可参考 Reinforcement Learning with Deep Energy-Based Policies, 2017, arXiv

但是上述软贝尔曼更新(soft Bellman backup)的方式不能精确地在连续或大的状态和动作空间中执行,其次基于能量模型进行采样是比较困难的。

Soft Q-Learning

由于(9)中存在的积分以及存在无限的状态和动作集合,上述过程难以实现,因此,作者使用了随机优化的方法进行描述,同时上述过程变为了一个随机梯度下降更新过程。Soft Q-function可以被建模成关于参数 θ \theta θ的函数 Q s o f t θ ( s t , a t ) Q_{soft}^{\theta}(s_t,a_t) Qsoftθ(st,at)。为了描述上述的随机过程,Soft Q-Learning使用了重要性采样对价值函数进行描述: V soft θ ( s t ) = α log ⁡ E π [ exp ⁡ ( 1 α Q soft θ ( s t , a ′ ) ) π ( a ′ ) ] V_{\text{soft}}^{\theta}(\mathbf{s}_{t})=\alpha\log\mathbb{E}_{\pi}\left[\frac{\exp\left(\frac{1}{\alpha}Q_{\text{soft}}^{\theta}(\mathbf{s}_{t},\mathbf{a'})\right)}{\pi(\mathbf{a'})}\right] Vsoftθ(st)=αlogEπ[π(a)exp(α1Qsoftθ(st,a))]

π \pi π可以表示为任意的策略分布。之后利用均方误差计算目标函数, Q ^ s o f t θ ˉ ( s t , a t ) = r t + γ E s t + 1 ∼ p s [ V s o f t θ ˉ ( s t + 1 ) ] \hat{Q}_{\mathrm{soft}}^{\bar{\theta}}(\mathbf{s}_t,\mathbf{a}_t)=r_t+\gamma\mathbb{E}_{\mathbf{s}_{t+1}\thicksim p_\mathbf{s}}[V_{\mathrm{soft}}^{\bar{\theta}}(\mathbf{s}_{t+1})] Q^softθˉ(st,at)=rt+γEst+1ps[Vsoftθˉ(st+1)]为目标的Q-值:

J Q ( θ ) = E s t ∼ q s t , a t ∼ q a t [ 1 2 ( Q ^ s o f t θ ˉ ( s t , a t ) − Q s o f t θ ( s t , a t ) ) 2 ] J_Q(\theta)=\mathbb{E}_{\mathbf{s}_t\sim q_{\mathbf{s}_t},\mathbf{a}_t\sim q_{\mathbf{a}_t}}\left[\frac{1}{2}\left(\hat{Q}_{\mathrm{soft}}^{\bar{\theta}}(\mathbf{s}_t,\mathbf{a}_t)-Q_{\mathrm{soft}}^{\theta}(\mathbf{s}_t,\mathbf{a}_t)\right)^2\right] JQ(θ)=Estqst,atqat[21(Q^softθˉ(st,at)Qsoftθ(st,at))2]

⚠️You Should Know
因为 q s t , q a t q_{\mathbf{s}_t},q_{\mathbf{a}_t} qst,qat采样的分布可以是任意的。通常来说可以基于当前policy的一些rollouts进行采样 π ( a t ∣ s t ) ∝ exp ⁡ ( 1 α Q s o f t θ ( s t , a t ) ) \pi(\mathbf{a}_t|\mathbf{s}_t)\propto\exp\left(\frac{1}{\alpha}Q_{\mathrm{soft}}^{\theta}(\mathbf{s}_{t},\mathbf{a}_{t})\right) π(atst)exp(α1Qsoftθ(st,at))
对于 π \pi π的分布,通常来说可以采用均匀分布,但更好的选择是使用当前策略,以达到无偏估计的效果。


然而,在连续空间中,我们仍然需要一种可行的方法来从策略 π ( a t ∣ s t ) ∝ exp ⁡ ( 1 α Q s o f t θ ( s t , a t ) ) \pi(\mathbf{a}_t|\mathbf{s}_t)\propto\exp\left(\frac{1}{\alpha}Q_{\mathrm{soft}}^{\theta}(\mathbf{s}_{t},\mathbf{a}_{t})\right) π(atst)exp(α1Qsoftθ(st,at))中采样,不仅用于采取策略 π π π的行为,还可以在需要时生成动作样本以估计软值函数。由于策略的形式非常广泛,因此直接从它中采样是不可行的。因此需要一种近似采样的方法。

以往的方案大致可以分为两类:基于马尔可夫链蒙特卡罗(MCMC)的采样;从目标分布中训练输出近似样本的随机抽样网络。但是MCMC的方法不太适用于在线推理过程,因此作者将使用Stein variational gradient descent (SVGD) 和amortized SVGD的采样网络。Amortized SVGD有一些比较有趣的性质:

  1. 它为我们提供了一个随机体素网络,可以用于极快地生成样本。
  2. 它可以证明会收敛到 EBM 的后验分布的准确估计
  3. 该算法类似于actor-critic算法

通过学习一个状态条件随机神经网络 a t = f ϕ ( ξ ; s t ) a_t = f^\phi(ξ; s_t) at=fϕ(ξ;st),由 ϕ \phi ϕ 参数化,它将从正常高斯或其他任意分布中提取的噪声样本 ξ ξ ξ 映射到对应于 Q s o f t θ Q^θ_{soft} Qsoftθ 的目标 EBM 的无偏动作样本。将学习到的策略标为 π ϕ ( s t , a t ) \pi^\phi(s_t,a_t) πϕ(st,at),通过KL 散度(KL divergence)进行近似: J π ( ϕ ; s t ) = K L ( π ϕ ( ⋅ ∣ s t ) ∣ ∣ exp ⁡ ( 1 α ( Q s o f t θ ( s t , ⋅ ) − V s o f t θ ) ) ) a t = f ϕ ( ξ ; s t ) , ξ ∼ N \begin{aligned}J_{\pi}(\phi;s_{t})&=KL\left(\pi^{\phi}(\cdot|s_{t})||\exp\left(\frac{1}{\alpha}\big(Q_{soft}^{\theta}(s_{t},\cdot)-V_{soft}^{\theta}\big)\right)\right)\\a_{t}&=f^{\phi}(\xi;s_{t}),\xi\sim\mathcal{N}\end{aligned} Jπ(ϕ;st)at=KL(πϕ(st)∣∣exp(α1(Qsoftθ(st,)Vsoftθ)))=fϕ(ξ;st),ξN

SVGD的方法提供了贪婪的搜索策略: Δ f ϕ ( ⋅ ; s t ) = E a t ∼ π ϕ ∣ κ ( a t , f ϕ ( ⋅ ; s t ) ) ∇ a ′ Q s o f t θ ( s t , a ′ ) ∣ a ′ = a t + α ∇ a ′ κ ( a ′ , f ϕ ( ⋅ ; s t ) ) ∣ a ′ = a t ] , \begin{gathered} \Delta f^{\phi}(\cdot;\mathbf{s}_{t}) =\mathbb{E}_{\mathbf{a}_{t}\sim\pi^{\phi}}\left|\kappa(\mathbf{a}_{t},f^{\phi}(\cdot;\mathbf{s}_{t}))\nabla_{\mathbf{a}^{\prime}}Q_{\mathrm{soft}}^{\theta}(\mathbf{s}_{t},\mathbf{a}^{\prime})\right|_{\mathbf{a}^{\prime}=\mathbf{a}_{t}} \\ \left.+\alpha\left.\nabla_{\mathbf{a'}}\kappa(\mathbf{a'},f^\phi(\cdot;\mathbf{s}_t))\right|_{\mathbf{a'}=\mathbf{a}_t}\right], \end{gathered} Δfϕ(;st)=Eatπϕ κ(at,fϕ(;st))aQsoftθ(st,a) a=at+αaκ(a,fϕ(;st)) a=at],

之后使用链式法则,并将SVGD反向传播到策略网络中,并使用任意基于梯度的优化方法来学习最优采样网络参数。 ∂ J π ( ϕ ; s t ) ∂ ϕ ∝ E ξ [ Δ f ϕ ( ξ ; s t ) ∂ f ϕ ( ξ ; s t ) ∂ ϕ ] , \frac{\partial J_\pi(\phi;\mathbf{s}_t)}{\partial\phi}\propto\mathbb{E}_\xi\left[\Delta f^\phi(\xi;\mathbf{s}_t)\frac{\partial f^\phi(\xi;\mathbf{s}_t)}{\partial\phi}\right], ϕJπ(ϕ;st)Eξ[Δfϕ(ξ;st)ϕfϕ(ξ;st)],

⚠️You Should Know
Δ f ϕ \Delta f^{\phi} Δfϕ不是严格的策略梯度,而是核函数 κ \kappa κ再现核希尔伯特空间(reproducing kernel Hilbert space)的最优方向



Soft Actor-Critic

Haarnoja T, Zhou A, Abbeel P, et al. Soft actor-critic: Off-policy maximum entropy deep reinforcement learning with a stochastic actor[C]//International conference on machine learning. PMLR, 2018: 1861-1870.



J V ( ψ ) = E s t ∼ D [ 1 2 ( V ψ ( s t ) − E a t ∼ π ϕ [ Q θ ( s t , a t ) − log ⁡ π ϕ ( a t ∣ s t ) ] ) 2 ] J Q ( θ ) = E ( s t , a t ) ∼ D [ 1 2 ( r ( s t , a t ) + γ E s t + 1 ∼ p [ V ψ ‾ ( s t + 1 ) ] − Q θ ( s t , a t ) ) 2 ] \begin{gathered} J_{V}(\psi)=\mathbb{E}_{s_{t}\sim\mathcal{D}}\left[\frac{1}{2}\Big(V_{\psi}(s_{t})-\mathbb{E}_{a_{t}\sim\pi_{\phi}}\big[Q_{\theta}(s_{t},a_{t})-\log\pi_{\phi}(a_{t}|s_{t})\big]\Big)^{2}\right] \\ J_{Q}(\theta)=\mathbb{E}_{(s_{t},a_{t})\sim\mathbb{D}}\left[{\frac{1}{2}}\left(r(s_{t},a_{t})+\gamma\mathbb{E}_{s_{t+1}\sim p}[V_{\overline{\psi}}(s_{t+1})]-Q_{\theta}(s_{t},a_{t})\right)^{2}\right] \end{gathered} JV(ψ)=EstD[21(Vψ(st)Eatπϕ[Qθ(st,at)logπϕ(atst)])2]JQ(θ)=E(st,at)D[21(r(st,at)+γEst+1p[Vψ(st+1)]Qθ(st,at))2]

策略函数学习目标: J π ( ϕ ) = E s t ∼ D , ϵ t ∼ N [ log ⁡ π ϕ ( f ϕ ( ϵ t ; s t ) ∣ s t ) − Q θ ( s t , f ϕ ( ϵ t ; s t ) ) ] \begin{aligned}J_\pi(\phi)=\mathbb{E}_{\mathbf{s}_t\sim\mathcal{D},\epsilon_t\sim\mathcal{N}}[\log\pi_\phi(f_\phi(\epsilon_t;\mathbf{s}_t)|\mathbf{s}_t)-Q_\theta(\mathbf{s}_t,f_\phi(\epsilon_t;\mathbf{s}_t))]\end{aligned} Jπ(ϕ)=EstD,ϵtN[logπϕ(fϕ(ϵt;st)st)Qθ(st,fϕ(ϵt;st))]

利用两个动作价值函数网络,每次使用Q网络时,使用较小的那一个: L Q ( ω ) = E ( s t , a t , r t , s t + 1 ) ∼ R [ 1 2 ( Q ω ( s t , a t ) − ( r t + γ V ω − ( s t + 1 ) ) ) 2 ] = E ( s t , a t , r t , s t + 1 ) ∼ R , a t + 1 ∼ π θ ( ⋅ ∣ s t + 1 ) [ 1 2 ( Q ω ( s t , a t ) − ( r t + γ ( min ⁡ j = 1 , 2 Q ω j − ( s t + 1 , a t + 1 ) − α log ⁡ π ( a t + 1 ∣ s t + 1 ) ) ) ) 2 ] \begin{aligned} L_{Q}(\omega)& =\mathbb{E}_{(s_t,a_t,r_t,s_{t+1})\sim R}\left[\frac12\left(Q_\omega(s_t,a_t)-(r_t+\gamma V_{\omega^-}(s_{t+1}))\right)^2\right] \\ &=\mathbb{E}_{(s_t,a_t,r_t,s_{t+1})\sim R,a_{t+1}\sim\pi_\theta(\cdot|s_{t+1})}\left[\frac{1}{2}\left(Q_\omega(s_t,a_t)-(r_t+\gamma(\min_{j=1,2}Q_{\omega_j^-}(s_{t+1},a_{t+1})-\alpha\log\pi(a_{t+1}|s_{t+1})))\right)^2\right] \end{aligned} LQ(ω)=E(st,at,rt,st+1)R[21(Qω(st,at)(rt+γVω(st+1)))2]=E(st,at,rt,st+1)R,at+1πθ(st+1)[21(Qω(st,at)(rt+γ(j=1,2minQωj(st+1,at+1)αlogπ(at+1st+1))))2]

重参数化技巧自动调整熵正则项参考《动手学强化学习》SAC 算法






import gymnasium as gym
import numpy as np
from tqdm import tqdm
import torch
import torch.nn.functional as F
import util

class PolicyNetContinuous(torch.nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, state_dim, hidden_dim, action_dim, action_bound):
        super(PolicyNetContinuous, self).__init__()
        self.fc1 = torch.nn.Linear(state_dim, hidden_dim)
        self.mu = torch.nn.Linear(hidden_dim, action_dim)
        self.std = torch.nn.Linear(hidden_dim, action_dim)
        self.action_bound = action_bound

    def forward(self, x):
        x = F.relu(self.fc1(x))
        mu = self.mu(x)
        std = F.softplus(self.std(x))
        dist = torch.distributions.Normal(mu, std)
        normal_sample = dist.rsample()  # rsample()是重参数化采样
        log_prob = dist.log_prob(normal_sample)
        action = torch.tanh(normal_sample)
        # 计算tanh_normal分布的对数概率密度
        log_prob = log_prob - torch.log(1 - torch.tanh(action).pow(2) + 1e-7)
        action = action * self.action_bound
        return action, log_prob

class QValueNetContinuous(torch.nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, state_dim, hidden_dim, action_dim):
        super(QValueNetContinuous, self).__init__()
        self.fc1 = torch.nn.Linear(state_dim + action_dim, hidden_dim)
        self.fc2 = torch.nn.Linear(hidden_dim, hidden_dim)
        self.fc_out = torch.nn.Linear(hidden_dim, 1)

    def forward(self, x, a):
        cat = torch.cat([x, a], dim=1)
        x = F.relu(self.fc1(cat))
        x = F.relu(self.fc2(x))
        return self.fc_out(x)

class SACContinuous:
    ''' 处理连续动作的SAC算法 '''
    def __init__(self, state_dim, hidden_dim, action_dim, action_bound, actor_lr, critic_lr, gamma,
                 alpha_lr, target_entropy, tau, buffer_size, minimal_size, batch_size,
                 device, numOfEpisodes, env):
        self.actor = PolicyNetContinuous(state_dim, hidden_dim, action_dim, action_bound).to(device)
        self.critic_1 = QValueNetContinuous(state_dim, hidden_dim, action_dim).to(device)
        self.critic_2 = QValueNetContinuous(state_dim, hidden_dim, action_dim).to(device)
        self.target_critic_1 = QValueNetContinuous(state_dim, hidden_dim, action_dim).to(device)
        self.target_critic_2 = QValueNetContinuous(state_dim, hidden_dim, action_dim).to(device)
        # 令目标Q网络的初始参数和Q网络一样
        self.actor_optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(self.actor.parameters(), lr=actor_lr)
        self.critic_1_optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(self.critic_1.parameters(), lr=critic_lr)
        self.critic_2_optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(self.critic_2.parameters(), lr=critic_lr)
        # 使用alpha的log值,可以使训练结果比较稳定
        self.log_alpha = torch.tensor(np.log(0.01), dtype=torch.float)
        self.log_alpha.requires_grad = True  # 可以对alpha求梯度
        self.log_alpha_optimizer = torch.optim.Adam([self.log_alpha], lr=alpha_lr)
        self.target_entropy = target_entropy
        self.gamma = gamma
        self.tau = tau
        self.device = device
        self.env = env
        self.numOfEpisodes = numOfEpisodes
        self.buffer_size = buffer_size
        self.minimal_size = minimal_size
        self.batch_size = batch_size

    def take_action(self, state):
        state = torch.FloatTensor(np.array([state])).to(self.device)
        action = self.actor(state)[0]
        return [action.item()]

    def calc_target(self, rewards, next_states, terminateds, truncateds):
        next_action, log_prob = self.actor(next_states)
        entropy = -log_prob
        q1_value = self.target_critic_1(next_states, next_action)
        q2_value = self.target_critic_2(next_states, next_action)
        next_value = torch.min(q1_value, q2_value) + self.log_alpha.exp() * entropy
        td_target = rewards + self.gamma * next_value * (1 - terminateds + truncateds)
        return td_target

    def soft_update(self, net, target_net):
        for param_target, param in zip(target_net.parameters(), net.parameters()):
            param_target.data.copy_(param_target.data * (1.0 - self.tau) + param.data * self.tau)

    def update(self, transition_dict):
        states = torch.tensor(np.array(transition_dict['states']), dtype=torch.float).to(self.device)
        actions = torch.tensor(np.array(transition_dict['actions']), dtype=torch.float).view(-1, 1).to(self.device)
        rewards = torch.tensor(transition_dict['rewards'], dtype=torch.float).view(-1, 1).to(self.device)
        next_states = torch.tensor(np.array(transition_dict['next_states']), dtype=torch.float).to(self.device)
        terminateds = torch.tensor(transition_dict['terminateds'], dtype=torch.float).view(-1, 1).to(self.device)
        truncateds = torch.tensor(transition_dict['truncateds'], dtype=torch.float).view(-1, 1).to(self.device)
        rewards = (rewards + 8.0) / 8.0
        # 更新两个Q网络
        td_target = self.calc_target(rewards, next_states, terminateds, truncateds)
        critic_loss1 = torch.mean(F.mse_loss(td_target.detach(), self.critic_1(states, actions)))
        critic_loss2 = torch.mean(F.mse_loss(td_target.detach(), self.critic_2(states, actions)))
        # 更新策略网络
        new_actions, log_prob = self.actor(states)
        entropy = -log_prob
        q1_value = self.critic_1(states, new_actions)
        q2_value = self.critic_2(states, new_actions)
        next_value = torch.min(q1_value, q2_value)
        actor_loss = torch.mean(-self.log_alpha.exp() * entropy - next_value)
        # 更新alpha值
        alpha_loss = torch.mean(self.log_alpha.exp() * (entropy - self.target_entropy).detach())

        self.soft_update(self.critic_1, self.target_critic_1)
        self.soft_update(self.critic_2, self.target_critic_2)

    def SACtrain(self):
        replay_buffer = util.ReplayBuffer(self.buffer_size)
        returnList = []
        for i in range(10):
            with tqdm(total=int(self.numOfEpisodes / 10), desc='Iteration %d' % i) as pbar:
                for episode in range(int(self.numOfEpisodes / 10)):
                    # initialize state
                    state, info = self.env.reset()
                    terminated = False
                    truncated = False
                    episodeReward = 0
                    # Loop for each step of episode:
                    while (not terminated) or (not truncated):
                        action = self.take_action(state)
                        next_state, reward, terminated, truncated, info = self.env.step(action)
                        replay_buffer.add(state, action, reward, next_state, terminated, truncated)
                        state = next_state
                        episodeReward += reward
                        # 当buffer数据的数量超过一定值后,才进行Q网络训练
                        if replay_buffer.size() > self.minimal_size:
                            b_s, b_a, b_r, b_ns, b_te, b_tr = replay_buffer.sample(self.batch_size)
                            transition_dict = {
                                'states': b_s,
                                'actions': b_a,
                                'next_states': b_ns,
                                'rewards': b_r,
                                'terminateds': b_te,
                                'truncateds': b_tr
                        if terminated or truncated:
                    if (episode + 1) % 10 == 0:  # 每10条序列打印一下这10条序列的平均回报
                                '%d' % (self.numOfEpisodes / 10 * i + episode + 1),
                                '%.3f' % np.mean(returnList[-10:])
        return returnList

def test01():
    device = torch.device("cuda") if torch.cuda.is_available() else torch.device("cpu")
    env = gym.make("Pendulum-v1")
    agent = SACContinuous(state_dim=env.observation_space.shape[0],
    returnLists1 = agent.SACtrain()
    ReturnList = []
    ReturnList.append(util.smooth([returnLists1], sm=20))
    labelList = ['SAC']
    util.PlotReward(200, ReturnList, labelList, 'Pendulum-v1')
    np.save("D:\LearningRL\Hands-on-RL\SAC_Pendulum\ReturnData\SAC_v1_1.npy", returnLists1)




⚠️You Should Know

  • 策略网络的输出修改为在离散动作空间上的 softmax 分布;
    该策略网络输出一个离散的动作分布,所以在价值网络的学习过程中,不需要再对下一个动作 a t + 1 a_{t+1} at+1进行采样,而是直接通过概率计算来得到下一个状态的价值。同理,在 α \alpha α的损失函数计算中,也不需要再对动作进行采样。
  • 价值网络直接接收状态和离散动作空间的分布作为输入。
class PolicyNet(torch.nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, state_dim, hidden_dim, action_dim):
        super(PolicyNet, self).__init__()
        self.fc1 = torch.nn.Linear(state_dim, hidden_dim)
        self.fc2 = torch.nn.Linear(hidden_dim, action_dim)

    def forward(self, x):
        x = F.relu(self.fc1(x))
        return F.softmax(self.fc2(x), dim=1)

class QValueNet(torch.nn.Module):
    ''' 只有一层隐藏层的Q网络 '''
    def __init__(self, state_dim, hidden_dim, action_dim):
        super(QValueNet, self).__init__()
        self.fc1 = torch.nn.Linear(state_dim, hidden_dim)
        self.fc2 = torch.nn.Linear(hidden_dim, action_dim)

    def forward(self, x):
        x = F.relu(self.fc1(x))
        return self.fc2(x)

class SACContinuous:
    ''' 处理连续动作的SAC算法 '''
    def __init__(self, state_dim, hidden_dim, action_dim, actor_lr, critic_lr, gamma,
                 alpha_lr, target_entropy, tau, buffer_size, minimal_size, batch_size,
                 device, numOfEpisodes, env):
        self.actor = PolicyNet(state_dim, hidden_dim, action_dim).to(device)
        self.critic_1 = QValueNet(state_dim, hidden_dim, action_dim).to(device)
        self.critic_2 = QValueNet(state_dim, hidden_dim, action_dim).to(device)
        self.target_critic_1 = QValueNet(state_dim, hidden_dim, action_dim).to(device)
        self.target_critic_2 = QValueNet(state_dim, hidden_dim, action_dim).to(device)
        # 令目标Q网络的初始参数和Q网络一样
        self.actor_optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(self.actor.parameters(), lr=actor_lr)
        self.critic_1_optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(self.critic_1.parameters(), lr=critic_lr)
        self.critic_2_optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(self.critic_2.parameters(), lr=critic_lr)
        # 使用alpha的log值,可以使训练结果比较稳定
        self.log_alpha = torch.tensor(np.log(0.01), dtype=torch.float)
        self.log_alpha.requires_grad = True  # 可以对alpha求梯度
        self.log_alpha_optimizer = torch.optim.Adam([self.log_alpha], lr=alpha_lr)
        self.target_entropy = target_entropy
        self.gamma = gamma
        self.tau = tau
        self.device = device
        self.env = env
        self.numOfEpisodes = numOfEpisodes
        self.buffer_size = buffer_size
        self.minimal_size = minimal_size
        self.batch_size = batch_size

    # 根据动作概率分布随机采样
    def take_action(self, state):
        state = torch.tensor(np.array([state]), dtype=torch.float).to(self.device)
        action_probs = self.actor(state)
        action_dist = torch.distributions.Categorical(action_probs)
        action = action_dist.sample()
        return action.item()

    def calc_target(self, rewards, next_states, terminateds, truncateds):
        next_probs = self.actor(next_states)
        next_log_probs = torch.log(next_probs + 1e-8)
        entropy = -torch.sum(next_probs * next_log_probs, dim=1, keepdim=True)
        q1_value = self.target_critic_1(next_states)
        q2_value = self.target_critic_2(next_states)
        next_value = torch.sum(next_probs * torch.min(q1_value, q2_value),
                               keepdim=True)  # 直接根据概率计算期望
        next_value = next_value + self.log_alpha.exp() * entropy
        td_target = rewards + self.gamma * next_value * (1 - terminateds + truncateds)
        return td_target

    def soft_update(self, net, target_net):
        for param_target, param in zip(target_net.parameters(), net.parameters()):
            param_target.data.copy_(param_target.data * (1.0 - self.tau) + param.data * self.tau)

    def update(self, transition_dict):
        states = torch.tensor(np.array(transition_dict['states']), dtype=torch.float).to(self.device)
        actions = torch.tensor(transition_dict['actions']).view(-1, 1).to(self.device)
        rewards = torch.tensor(transition_dict['rewards'], dtype=torch.float).view(-1, 1).to(self.device)
        next_states = torch.tensor(np.array(transition_dict['next_states']), dtype=torch.float).to(self.device)
        terminateds = torch.tensor(transition_dict['terminateds'], dtype=torch.float).view(-1, 1).to(self.device)
        truncateds = torch.tensor(transition_dict['truncateds'], dtype=torch.float).view(-1, 1).to(self.device)
        # 更新两个Q网络
        td_target = self.calc_target(rewards, next_states, terminateds, truncateds)
        critic_value1 = self.critic_1(states).gather(1, actions)
        critic_loss1 = torch.mean(F.mse_loss(critic_value1, td_target.detach()))
        critic_value2 = self.critic_2(states).gather(1, actions)
        critic_loss2 = torch.mean(F.mse_loss(critic_value2, td_target.detach()))
        # 更新策略网络
        probs = self.actor(states)
        log_probs = torch.log(probs + 1e-8)
        entropy = -torch.sum(log_probs * probs, dim=1, keepdim=True)
        q1_value = self.critic_1(states)
        q2_value = self.critic_2(states)
        next_value = torch.sum(probs * torch.min(q1_value, q2_value),
                               keepdim=True)  # 直接根据概率计算期望
        actor_loss = torch.mean(-self.log_alpha.exp() * entropy - next_value)
        # 更新alpha值
        alpha_loss = torch.mean(self.log_alpha.exp() * (entropy - self.target_entropy).detach())

        self.soft_update(self.critic_1, self.target_critic_1)
        self.soft_update(self.critic_2, self.target_critic_2)

    def SACtrain(self):
        replay_buffer = util.ReplayBuffer(self.buffer_size)
        returnList = []
        for i in range(10):
            with tqdm(total=int(self.numOfEpisodes / 10), desc='Iteration %d' % i) as pbar:
                for episode in range(int(self.numOfEpisodes / 10)):
                    # initialize state
                    state, info = self.env.reset()
                    terminated = False
                    truncated = False
                    episodeReward = 0
                    # Loop for each step of episode:
                    while (not terminated) or (not truncated):
                        action = self.take_action(state)
                        next_state, reward, terminated, truncated, info = self.env.step(action)
                        replay_buffer.add(state, action, reward, next_state, terminated, truncated)
                        state = next_state
                        episodeReward += reward
                        # 当buffer数据的数量超过一定值后,才进行Q网络训练
                        if replay_buffer.size() > self.minimal_size:
                            b_s, b_a, b_r, b_ns, b_te, b_tr = replay_buffer.sample(self.batch_size)
                            transition_dict = {
                                'states': b_s,
                                'actions': b_a,
                                'next_states': b_ns,
                                'rewards': b_r,
                                'terminateds': b_te,
                                'truncateds': b_tr
                        if terminated or truncated:
                    if (episode + 1) % 10 == 0:  # 每10条序列打印一下这10条序列的平均回报
                                '%d' % (self.numOfEpisodes / 10 * i + episode + 1),
                                '%.3f' % np.mean(returnList[-10:])
        return returnList



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